Merino Coria, Gabriel GuillermoLara Castells, David Domingo2015-01-282019-12-182024-05-132024-08-292015-01-282019-12-182024-05-132024-08-292014218327 Doctor en Ingeniería Agrícola, mención Recursos Hídricos en la Agricultura.OVERALL OBJETIVE: To develop and evaluate a direct coupled wind-electric pumping system driven by a static power converter that allows maximum power point tracking and does not requiere the use of batteries. SPECIFIC OBJETIVES: 1.To quantify the efficiency of a small-power wind pumping system with battery bank in each stage of power conversion. 2. To develop and evaluate a static power converter that allows direct coupling between the aerogenerator and electropump, tracking the maximum power point.3. To quantify the effect of wind speed and electro pump operation at variable rotational speed on the pumping capacity of the system.spaCreative Commoms CC BY NC ND 4.0 internacional (Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional)Bombeo.Desarrollo de un sistema de bombeo eólico de acople directo mediante un convertidor de potencia .Development of a direct-coupled wind pumping system driven by a power converter.Tesis