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Title: Renewable energy management, the Photovoltaic approach, the Italian way and the Chilean way of dispatching the energy, best practice and cross breeding opportunities.
Authors: Jensen Castillo, María Magdalena; profesora guía
Smith Piel, Francisca
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Universidad de Concepción.
Abstract: The exponential increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere has raised the temperature of the planet, causing global warming with devastating effects on the environment. To mitigate, must be generated more renewable energy because it does not emit greenhouse gases (GHG) in the generation of the energy, so it is a clean solution that positively affects climate change. One of these energies is photovoltaic energy, which are cells that transform sunlight directly into electricity. Although for neither Chile nor Italy, photovoltaic (PV) energy is not the main source of energy but is the one who have the biggest growth rate average. The installed capacity has a perfect correlation with the amount of incentives, so for Italy the biggest increases was because of the Conto Energia incentive, and now the Energy Regulation looks to do the same for reaching the 2030 target of the Paris Agreement. And, due to the large quantities of installed capacity, has achieved decreases in costs. On the other hand, Chile have not reached that amount of installed capacity, but has launched so many projects this year that the estimated PV energy capacity through linear regression of 2022 will be reached and so the 2030 target. Also, because of its great potential, Atacama Desert is the best location worldwide for PV energy due of its high irradiation and average hours of sunshine per year, it has had big investments from other countries through the years and it is expected to continue. New technologies have appeared in the market, which have better efficiency and so it can pick up more energy.
Description: Memoria de Título presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniera Civil Industrial.
Appears in Collections:Ingeniería Industrial - Tesis Pregrado

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