Estrategias combinadas de elicitación y modelos predictivos en el estudio de la acumulación de fitoquímicos y propiedades antioxidantes en brotes de especies raphanus crecidas a altas temperaturas.
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Universidad de Concepción
Los brotes o germinados de plantas comestibles son una fuente de alimento que presenta un alto contenido de compuestos bioactivos en sus tejidos, que además pueden ser potenciados a través de mecanismos de elicitación. Evaluar los avances de las investigaciones relacionadas con esta temática se vuelven cruciales para identificar las tendencias actuales que apuntan a mantener una dieta rica en compuestos bioactivos o fitoquímicos provenientes de los germinados. Las técnicas para potenciar estos compuestos endógenos de las plantas durante el período de crecimiento nos traen nuevos desarrollos productivos e innovadores a nivel agronómico y comercial. Existe un enorme aumento en la producción de publicaciones académicas, generando gran cantidad de información que puede resultar compleja para los lectores. El análisis de la información científica emergente y las tendencias pasadas conduce a la necesidad de abordar esta vasta información a través de métodos matemáticos y estadísticos, incluido el análisis bibliométrico. Así, el capítulo II brinda información sobre las características básicas de la literatura y evalúa el progreso y desarrollo de la investigación científica de la temática de interés. Primero se realizó una breve aproximación teórica que entrega información sobre la definición de germinados, formas de identificarlos, tiempos de cultivo y algunos ejemplos de diferentes elicitores y sus efectos en la composición de compuestos bioactivos. Además, este enfoque fue seguido por una sección de estadísticas descriptivas y finalmente se realizó el análisis bibliométrico. En éste último se identificaron algunos indicadores bibliométricos considerados de gran importancia en la evaluación de la investigación científica, como el análisis de productividad de países, autores, documentos y revistas, índices de colaboración y análisis de co-ocurrencia de palabras clave.
Debido a que no existen trabajos previos realizados con especies Raphanus (familia rassicaceae) respecto a la respuesta de estrés abiótico como son las altas temperaturas, que pueden inducir o ser perjudiciales para la síntesis de compuestos bioactivos, y a la vez, combinando esta fuente de estrés con elicitores exógenos, se realizó el trabajo presentado en el capítulo III. Este estudio utilizó como materia prima brotes de rábano silvestre y comestible de 7 días de edad, que fueron sometidos a un aumento de temperatura de crecimiento (30°C) combinado con la aplicación exógena de diferentes elicitores (MeJa, ácido cítrico, K2SO4 y quitosano) para activar los mecanismos de defensa. Se evaluaron rasgos de desarrollo, daño oxidativo, contenido de GSL y antocianinas, y capacidad antioxidante acompañado del desarrollo de un modelo predictivo. La acumulación de bioactivos fue altamente promovida por la aplicación de dos elicitores, K2SO4 y MeJa.
Ambas especies fueron susceptibles a la aplicación de elicitores más que a la alta temperatura. El análisis de correlación y el análisis de componentes principales (PCA) confirmaron que en términos de acumulación de GSL, el rábano comestible mejoró la síntesis de estos compuestos con K2SO4 y el elicitor MeJa, mientras que el aumento de temperatura de 10 °C no fueron tan decisivos. En relación a la acumulación de antocianos, el rábano comestible, a pesar de aumentar su contenido tras la aplicación de MeJa, no fue capaz de tolerar el aumento de temperatura y estos compuestos se redujeron días antes de la cosecha, a diferencia del rábano silvestre, que aumentó significativamente la síntesis de estos metabolitos secundarios con esta combinación. Además, el elicitor de MeJa combinado con alta temperatura incrementó el estrés oxidativo a través del contenido de MDA, situación generalmente asociada al mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos y al aumento de la capacidad antioxidante (DPPH y ORAC).
Para finalizar, se desarrolló una red neuronal artificial para predecir el comportamiento del aumento de temperatura combinado con MeJa. La red generó una correlación entre los valores ajustados y observados de más del 90%, con alta precisión de predicción, permitiéndonos predecir el comportamiento de los brotes bajo estas condiciones. Por lo tanto, se demuestra que los elicitores en combinación con el análisis predictivo representan una herramienta eficaz para mejorar el valor nutricional de los brotes de especies de Raphanus en condiciones futuras de aumento de temperatura.
Sprouts of edible plants are a food source that has a high content of bioactive compounds in their tissues, which can also be enhanced through elicitation mechanisms. Evaluating the advances in research related to this topic becomes crucial to identify current trends that aim to maintain a diet rich in bioactive or phytochemical compounds from sprouts. The techniques to enhance these endogenous compounds of plants during the growth period bring us new productive and innovative developments at an agronomic and commercial level. There is a huge increase in the production of academic publications, generating a large amount of information that can be complex for readers. The analysis of emerging scientific information and past trends leads to the need to address this vast information through mathematical and statistical methods, including bibliometric analysis. Thus, chapter II provides information on the basic characteristics of the literature and evaluates the progress and development of scientific research on the topic of interest. First, a brief theoretical approach was made that provides information on the definition of sprouts, ways to identify them, culture times and some examples of different elicitors and their effects on the composition of bioactive compounds. Furthermore, this approach was followed by a section on descriptive statistics and finally the bibliometric analysis was performed. In the latter, some bibliometric indicators considered of great importance in the evaluation of scientific research were identified, such as the analysis of productivity of countries, authors, documents and journals, collaboration indexes and analysis of co-occurrence of keywords. Because there is no previous work carried out with Raphanus species (Brassicaceae family) regarding the abiotic stress response such as high temperatures, which can induce or be detrimental to the synthesis of bioactive compounds, and at the same time, combining this source of stress with exogenous elicitors, the work presented in chapter III was carried out. This study used 7-day old edible wild radish sprouts as raw material, which were subjected to an increase in growth temperature (30°C) combined with the exogenous application of different elicitors (MeJa, citric acid, K2SO4 and chitosan) to activate defense mechanisms. Developmental traits, oxidative damage, GSL and anthocyanin content, and antioxidant capacity accompanied by the development of a predictive model were evaluated. The accumulation of bioactives was highly promoted by the application of two elicitors, K2SO4 and MeJa. Both species were susceptible to the application of elicitors rather than high temperature. Correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) confirmed that in terms of GSL accumulation, edible radish enhanced the synthesis of these compounds with K2SO4 and MeJa elicitor, while 10 °C temperature increase was not so decisive. In relation to the accumulation of anthocyanins, edible radish, despite increasing its content after the application of MeJa, was not able to tolerate the increase in temperature and these compounds were reduced days before harvest, unlike wild radish where the synthesis of these secondary metabolites was significantly increased with this combination. In addition, the MeJa elicitor combined with high temperature increased oxidative stress through the MDA content, a situation generally associated with a higher content of phenolic compounds and an increase in antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC). Finally, an artificial neural network was developed to predict the behavior of the temperature increase combined with MeJa. The network generated a correlation between the fitted and observed values of more than 90%, with high prediction accuracy, allowing us to predict the behavior of the sprouts under these conditions. Therefore, it is shown that elicitors in combination with predictive analysis represent an effective tool to improve the nutritional value of Raphanus species sprouts under future conditions of increased temperature.
Sprouts of edible plants are a food source that has a high content of bioactive compounds in their tissues, which can also be enhanced through elicitation mechanisms. Evaluating the advances in research related to this topic becomes crucial to identify current trends that aim to maintain a diet rich in bioactive or phytochemical compounds from sprouts. The techniques to enhance these endogenous compounds of plants during the growth period bring us new productive and innovative developments at an agronomic and commercial level. There is a huge increase in the production of academic publications, generating a large amount of information that can be complex for readers. The analysis of emerging scientific information and past trends leads to the need to address this vast information through mathematical and statistical methods, including bibliometric analysis. Thus, chapter II provides information on the basic characteristics of the literature and evaluates the progress and development of scientific research on the topic of interest. First, a brief theoretical approach was made that provides information on the definition of sprouts, ways to identify them, culture times and some examples of different elicitors and their effects on the composition of bioactive compounds. Furthermore, this approach was followed by a section on descriptive statistics and finally the bibliometric analysis was performed. In the latter, some bibliometric indicators considered of great importance in the evaluation of scientific research were identified, such as the analysis of productivity of countries, authors, documents and journals, collaboration indexes and analysis of co-occurrence of keywords. Because there is no previous work carried out with Raphanus species (Brassicaceae family) regarding the abiotic stress response such as high temperatures, which can induce or be detrimental to the synthesis of bioactive compounds, and at the same time, combining this source of stress with exogenous elicitors, the work presented in chapter III was carried out. This study used 7-day old edible wild radish sprouts as raw material, which were subjected to an increase in growth temperature (30°C) combined with the exogenous application of different elicitors (MeJa, citric acid, K2SO4 and chitosan) to activate defense mechanisms. Developmental traits, oxidative damage, GSL and anthocyanin content, and antioxidant capacity accompanied by the development of a predictive model were evaluated. The accumulation of bioactives was highly promoted by the application of two elicitors, K2SO4 and MeJa. Both species were susceptible to the application of elicitors rather than high temperature. Correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) confirmed that in terms of GSL accumulation, edible radish enhanced the synthesis of these compounds with K2SO4 and MeJa elicitor, while 10 °C temperature increase was not so decisive. In relation to the accumulation of anthocyanins, edible radish, despite increasing its content after the application of MeJa, was not able to tolerate the increase in temperature and these compounds were reduced days before harvest, unlike wild radish where the synthesis of these secondary metabolites was significantly increased with this combination. In addition, the MeJa elicitor combined with high temperature increased oxidative stress through the MDA content, a situation generally associated with a higher content of phenolic compounds and an increase in antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC). Finally, an artificial neural network was developed to predict the behavior of the temperature increase combined with MeJa. The network generated a correlation between the fitted and observed values of more than 90%, with high prediction accuracy, allowing us to predict the behavior of the sprouts under these conditions. Therefore, it is shown that elicitors in combination with predictive analysis represent an effective tool to improve the nutritional value of Raphanus species sprouts under future conditions of increased temperature.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Doctora en Ciencias de la Agronomía.
Rábanos, Verduras - Rendimiento