Control de Phlyctema vagabunda con levaduras antagonistas.
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Universidad de Concepción
La pudrición ojo de buey, producida por Phlyctema vagabunda, es una importante enfermedad de postcosecha en las manzanas. Las medidas actuales para controlar la infección incluyen fungicidas sintéticos. Sin embargo, la creciente preocupación pública por los residuos de fungicidas en los alimentos ha generado interés en el desarrollo de métodos alternativos de control no químicos; siendo el control biológico una de las alternativas más prometedoras. En esta investigación, se aislaron y evaluaron levaduras endófitas nativas para el biocontrol de P. vagabunda en manzanas. También se determinaron los mecanismos de acción implicados. Dos
aislados, Vishniacozyma victoriae EPL4.5 y EPL29.5, mostraron actividad de biocontrol contra P. vagabunda a 20°C en manzanas; la incidencia de ojo de buey se redujo en un 39% y 61%, respectivamente, y la severidad de la enfermedad disminuyó en un 67% y 70%, espectivamente, cuando las manzanas fueron inoculadas con estas levaduras 24 h antes de aplicar el patógeno. Los principales mecanismos de acción que podrían estar implicados en la actividad de biocontrol
observada fueron la capacidad de formar biopelículas, la producción de compuestos orgánicos volátiles y la inducción de resistencia en la fruta.
Bull’s-eye rot, produced by Phlyctema vagabunda, is an important postharvest disease in apples. Current measures to control infection include synthetic fungicides. However, growing public concern regarding fungicide residues in food has generated interest in the development of non-chemical, alternative control methods; biological control is one of the most promising alternatives. In this research, native endophytic yeasts were isolated and evaluated for the biocontrol of P. vagabunda in apples. The mechanisms of action involved were also determined. Two isolates, Vishniacozyma victoriae EPL4.5 and EPL29.5, exhibited biocontrol activity against P. vagabunda at 20°C in apples, the incidence of bull’s-eye rot was reduced by 39% and 61%, respectively, and the severity of the disease was decreased by 67% and 70% respectively, when apples were inoculated with these yeasts 24 h before applying the pathogen. The main mechanisms that could be involved in the observed biocontrol activity were the ability to form biofilms, the production of volatile organic compounds and resistance induction.
Bull’s-eye rot, produced by Phlyctema vagabunda, is an important postharvest disease in apples. Current measures to control infection include synthetic fungicides. However, growing public concern regarding fungicide residues in food has generated interest in the development of non-chemical, alternative control methods; biological control is one of the most promising alternatives. In this research, native endophytic yeasts were isolated and evaluated for the biocontrol of P. vagabunda in apples. The mechanisms of action involved were also determined. Two isolates, Vishniacozyma victoriae EPL4.5 and EPL29.5, exhibited biocontrol activity against P. vagabunda at 20°C in apples, the incidence of bull’s-eye rot was reduced by 39% and 61%, respectively, and the severity of the disease was decreased by 67% and 70% respectively, when apples were inoculated with these yeasts 24 h before applying the pathogen. The main mechanisms that could be involved in the observed biocontrol activity were the ability to form biofilms, the production of volatile organic compounds and resistance induction.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Doctor en Ciencias de la Agronomía.
Manzanas, Enfermedades y plagas, Control biológico, Post-cosecha