Efectos subletales de agroquímicos sintéticos y naturales contra Goniozus legneri Gordh (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae).
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Universidad de Concepción
El manejo convencional de insectos plaga de importancia agrícola, centrado en el uso de insecticidas sintéticos, ha provocado impactos ambientales negativos y el desarrollo de insectos y ácaros resistentes. Esta situación ha propiciado la búsqueda de alternativas de control más racionales que pueden ser incluidas en un manejo integrado de plagas (MIP). Entre estas alternativas destaca el uso de enemigos naturales como Goniozus legneri (Gordh) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), un ectoparasitoide utilizado en el control de una amplia gama de plagas. Sin embargo, la inclusión de enemigos naturales en un programa de MIP dependerá de su compatibilidad con las otras estrategias de control y especialmente con un uso racional de insecticidas sintéticos o naturales. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos letales y subletales de diferentes tipos de insecticidas sintéticos y naturales sobre adultos de G. legneri. Se evaluó el efecto de insecticidas sintéticos (espirotetramato en mezcla con tiacloprid, bifentrina, pirimicarb e imidacloprid) y naturales (Bacillus thuringiensis, azadiractina, polisulfuro de calcio y piretrinas), en adultos de G. legneri empleando las dosis comerciales de cada insecticida más 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 y 1/16 de esta concentración. Las aplicaciones se realizaron por aspersión y como residuo superficial además de evaluar un posible efecto repelente. Los resultados mostraron que, entre los insecticidas sintéticos, espirotetramato en mezcla con tiacloprid ocasionó la menor mortalidad (aspersión 12,2%, residual 13,3%) y los menores efectos subletales en el parasitismo (-26,7%) y en la emergencia de adultos (-18,1%). Por otra parte, bifentrina fue el insecticida sintético más tóxico (aspersión Cl50 = 9,62 mg l-1, residual Cl50 = 107,38 mg l-1). Entre los insecticidas naturales, Bacillus thuringiensis ocasionó la menor mortalidad (aspersión 19,2%; residual 14,5%) y los menores efectos subletales en todos los parámetros evaluados. A su vez las piretrinas, ocasionaron un 100% de mortalidad de G. legneri en su dosis comercial. Ningún insecticida evaluado presenta actividad repelente sobre G. legneri. Se concluye que tanto la mezcla de espirotetramato con tiacloprid como B. thuringiensis son las mejores alternativas de insecticidas para su utilización en conjunto con G. legneri en un programa de MIP.
The conventional management of agricultural pests focuses on synthetic insecticides has caused adverse environmental impacts and the development of resistant populations of insects and mites. Consequently, it is important to search for rational control alternatives with the possibility of being included in a sound Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Using natural enemies such as the ectoparasitoid, Goniozus legneri (Gordh) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), is an alternative. However, including natural enemies in an IPM program will depend on compatibility with other control tactics, mainly with the rational use of synthetic or natural insecticides. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the lethal and sublethal effects of different synthetic and natural insecticides against adults of G. legneri. The effect of synthetic (spirotetramat mixed with thiacloprid, bifenthrin, pirimicarb, and imidacloprid) and natural insecticides (Bacillus thuringiensis, azadirachtin, calcium polysulfide, and pyrethrins) were assessed against adults of G. legneri. These insecticides were used at the commercial dose (1.0x) and 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16x of this concentration. The treatments were assessed by direct spraying or exposure to a treated surface. In addition, a possible repellent effect was assessed too. The results showed that, among the synthetic insecticides, spirotetramat mixed with thiacloprid, caused the lowest mortality (spray 12.2%, residual 13.3%) and the lowest sublethal effects in parasitism (-26.7%) and adult emergence (-18.1%). Bifenthrin was the most toxic synthetic insecticide (spray LC50 = 9.62 mg l-1, residual LC50=107.38 mg l-1). Among the natural insecticides, Bacillus thuringiensis exhibited the lowest mortality (spray 19.2%; residual 14.5%) and the lowest sublethal effects in all parameters evaluated. Pyrethrins caused 100% mortality of G. legneri in its commercial dose. No insecticide has repellent activity against G. legneri. We concluded that both the mixture of spirotetramat with thiacloprid and B. thuringiensis are the best alternatives to use with G. legneri in an IPM program.
The conventional management of agricultural pests focuses on synthetic insecticides has caused adverse environmental impacts and the development of resistant populations of insects and mites. Consequently, it is important to search for rational control alternatives with the possibility of being included in a sound Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Using natural enemies such as the ectoparasitoid, Goniozus legneri (Gordh) (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), is an alternative. However, including natural enemies in an IPM program will depend on compatibility with other control tactics, mainly with the rational use of synthetic or natural insecticides. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the lethal and sublethal effects of different synthetic and natural insecticides against adults of G. legneri. The effect of synthetic (spirotetramat mixed with thiacloprid, bifenthrin, pirimicarb, and imidacloprid) and natural insecticides (Bacillus thuringiensis, azadirachtin, calcium polysulfide, and pyrethrins) were assessed against adults of G. legneri. These insecticides were used at the commercial dose (1.0x) and 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16x of this concentration. The treatments were assessed by direct spraying or exposure to a treated surface. In addition, a possible repellent effect was assessed too. The results showed that, among the synthetic insecticides, spirotetramat mixed with thiacloprid, caused the lowest mortality (spray 12.2%, residual 13.3%) and the lowest sublethal effects in parasitism (-26.7%) and adult emergence (-18.1%). Bifenthrin was the most toxic synthetic insecticide (spray LC50 = 9.62 mg l-1, residual LC50=107.38 mg l-1). Among the natural insecticides, Bacillus thuringiensis exhibited the lowest mortality (spray 19.2%; residual 14.5%) and the lowest sublethal effects in all parameters evaluated. Pyrethrins caused 100% mortality of G. legneri in its commercial dose. No insecticide has repellent activity against G. legneri. We concluded that both the mixture of spirotetramat with thiacloprid and B. thuringiensis are the best alternatives to use with G. legneri in an IPM program.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias Agronómicas.
Insectos Plagas, Insecticidas, Parasitismo