Analizando la relación entre espacio de red social y el espacio de actividad. Evidencia desde 4 bases de datos en Chile
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Universidad de Concepción
En las ciencias del transporte es usual estudiar los viajes de las personas por motivos laborales, de estudios o de compras. Sin embargo, no se pone suficiente atención a las actividades sociales o de esparcimiento que las personas tienen. Más aún, no es usual ver estudios o informes que relacionen las actividades con las redes sociales de las personas. Es por lo anterior que este estudio pretende relacionar la espacialidad de las actividades, el tiempo dedicado a cada actividad y las características de las redes sociales personales de cada individuo. Lo anterior resulta relevante para poder comprender más a fondo la movilidad diaria en base a sus razones y no a solo a sus destinos.
El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y relacionar la movilidad, uso de tiempo y redes sociales para 4 bases de datos distintas recopiladas en los años 2008, 2012, 2015 y 2018. Se plantea como hipótesis central que el espacio de actividad de las personas está relacionado con la geografía de la red social y con los atributos de las redes sociales. Para aquello, el estudio subdivide los tipos de actividad en 3 categorías: las actividades productivas son aquellas relacionadas con la producción como estudiar y trabajar; el segundo tipo de actividad consiste en las actividades reproductivas las cuales hacen perdurar la vida biológica de una generación a otra o dentro de su misma generación (trabajo doméstico, compras, vitrinear, dejar o recoger, cuidar, preparar alimentos, etc.); por último, las actividades de esparcimiento son aquellas donde las personas realizan actividades de se socialización entre el individuo y su red social o actividades de ocio (visitas, religión, pubs, ocio, teléfono, cine, entre otras).
Dentro de los resultados obtenidos, se subraya la importancia del tiempo reproductivo dentro del hogar como un tiempo que disminuye la probabilidad de salir del hogar, restringe el tiempo dedicado a actividades de esparcimiento y, además, restringe la magnitud de los espacios de actividad tanto en cantidad de lugares como en distancias recorridas. Por otro lado, se observó el grupo de las mujeres las como personas que tienen más limitaciones al salir del hogar y que además son quienes más asignan tiempo reproductivo dentro del hogar. Por último, se destacó el papel de la red social familiar como el contexto socioespacial que promueve la movilidad de cada individuo en su día a día.
In transportation sciences, it is usual to study people's trips for work, study or shopping purposes. However, not enough attention is paid to the social or leisure activities that people engage in. Moreover, it is not usual to see studies or reports that relate activities to people's social networks. This is why this study aims to relate the spatiality of activities, the time dedicated to each activity and the characteristics of each individual's personal social networks. This is relevant in order to better understand daily mobility based on its reasons and not only its destinations. The objective of this thesis is to describe and relate mobility, time use and social networks for 4 different databases collected in the years 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2018. The central hypothesis is that people's activity space is related to the geography of the social network and to the attributes of the social networks. For this, the study subdivides the types of activity into 3 categories: productive activities are those related to production such as studying and working ; the second type of activity consist s of reproductive activities which make biological life endure from one generation to the next or within the same generation (housework, shopping, window shopping, dropping off or picking up, caring, food preparation, etc.). Finally, leisure activities are those where people engage in socializing activities between the individual and his or her social network or leisure activities (visits, religion, pubs, leisure, telephone, cinema, etc.). The results obtained underline the importance of reproductive time within the home as a time that reduces the probability of leaving the home, restricts the time dedicated to leisure activities and, in addition, restricts the magnitude of activity spaces both in terms of number of places and distances traveled. On the other hand, it accentuates the group of women as the people who have the most limitations when leaving the home and who are also the ones who allocate the most reproductive time within the home. Finally, the role of the family social network is highlighted as the socio spatial context that promotes the mobility of each individual in their daily lives.
In transportation sciences, it is usual to study people's trips for work, study or shopping purposes. However, not enough attention is paid to the social or leisure activities that people engage in. Moreover, it is not usual to see studies or reports that relate activities to people's social networks. This is why this study aims to relate the spatiality of activities, the time dedicated to each activity and the characteristics of each individual's personal social networks. This is relevant in order to better understand daily mobility based on its reasons and not only its destinations. The objective of this thesis is to describe and relate mobility, time use and social networks for 4 different databases collected in the years 2008, 2012, 2015 and 2018. The central hypothesis is that people's activity space is related to the geography of the social network and to the attributes of the social networks. For this, the study subdivides the types of activity into 3 categories: productive activities are those related to production such as studying and working ; the second type of activity consist s of reproductive activities which make biological life endure from one generation to the next or within the same generation (housework, shopping, window shopping, dropping off or picking up, caring, food preparation, etc.). Finally, leisure activities are those where people engage in socializing activities between the individual and his or her social network or leisure activities (visits, religion, pubs, leisure, telephone, cinema, etc.). The results obtained underline the importance of reproductive time within the home as a time that reduces the probability of leaving the home, restricts the time dedicated to leisure activities and, in addition, restricts the magnitude of activity spaces both in terms of number of places and distances traveled. On the other hand, it accentuates the group of women as the people who have the most limitations when leaving the home and who are also the ones who allocate the most reproductive time within the home. Finally, the role of the family social network is highlighted as the socio spatial context that promotes the mobility of each individual in their daily lives.
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería con mención en Ingeniería Civil
Redes sociales, Movilidad social, Transporte