Diseño clínico para seguimiento integral de pacientes con enfoque en el área de procesos.
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Universidad de Concepción
Esta tesis se enfoca en identificar y abordar las falencias en los procesos de atención en el área de la salud, con el propósito de crear un seguimiento integral que centralice toda la información del paciente. Para ello, se desarrolló un diagrama de flujo de procesos diseñado para generar un seguimiento integral de un paciente. El objetivo de este diagrama es facilitar la implementación de una aplicación que permita generar el seguimiento integral y analizar cómo afecta e influye en la implementación de la aplicación en la atención de salud en Chile. Se aplicó la metodología de Design Thinking adaptándolas a las perspectivas de los involucrados: Personal clínico, No clínico y Paciente.
En la revisión de la literatura, se identificaron procesos genéricos como el agendamiento de hora médica, recepción del paciente, atención del médico, atención post-consulta, entre otros. Estos procesos fueron medidos en la etapa de validación mediante videos explicativos y encuestas de retroalimentación, con el objetivo de evaluar el funcionamiento del flujo del paciente en un centro de salud y cómo interfieren; además de una validación de funcionalidad de la aplicación por parte de los encuestados.
Los resultados revelaron que las personas están dispuestas a integrar tecnologías en la atención de salud para mejorar su experiencia y obtener beneficios. Como también, se confirmaron dos procesos claves dentro de esta atención, como lo es: La atención del médico y el trato recibido por parte del personal no clínico al paciente en el área de recepción. La implementación de estas tecnologías tiene como finalidad, optimizar tiempos, diagnósticos y centralizar toda la información de un paciente al sistema. Esto permitirá a los centros de salud o clínicas que adopten estas tecnologías una distinción competitiva.
This thesis focuses on identifying and addressing shortcomings in healthcare processes to create an integrated follow-up system that centralizes all patient information. To achieve this, a process flow diagram was developed, designed to generate comprehensive patient tracking. The objective of this diagram is to facilitate the implementation of an application that allows for comprehensive patient follow-up and to analyze how the implementation of this application impacts and influences healthcare delivery in Chile. The Design Thinking methodology was applied, adapting it to the perspectives of the involved stakeholders: clinical staff, non-clinical staff, and patients. In the literature review, generic processes were identified, such as appointment scheduling, patient reception, medical consultation, post-consultation care, among others. These processes were measured during the validation stage through explanatory videos and feedback surveys, with the aim of evaluating the patient flow within a healthcare center and understanding how they interact. Additionally, the functionality of the application was validated by the respondents. The results revealed that people are willing to integrate technologies into healthcare to improve their experience and gain benefits. Furthermore, two key processes within this care were confirmed: the medical consultation and the treatment received by patients from non-clinical staff in the reception area. The implementation of these technologies aims to optimize time, improve diagnoses, and centralize all patient information into the system. This will provide healthcare centers or clinics that adopt these technologies with a competitive advantage.
This thesis focuses on identifying and addressing shortcomings in healthcare processes to create an integrated follow-up system that centralizes all patient information. To achieve this, a process flow diagram was developed, designed to generate comprehensive patient tracking. The objective of this diagram is to facilitate the implementation of an application that allows for comprehensive patient follow-up and to analyze how the implementation of this application impacts and influences healthcare delivery in Chile. The Design Thinking methodology was applied, adapting it to the perspectives of the involved stakeholders: clinical staff, non-clinical staff, and patients. In the literature review, generic processes were identified, such as appointment scheduling, patient reception, medical consultation, post-consultation care, among others. These processes were measured during the validation stage through explanatory videos and feedback surveys, with the aim of evaluating the patient flow within a healthcare center and understanding how they interact. Additionally, the functionality of the application was validated by the respondents. The results revealed that people are willing to integrate technologies into healthcare to improve their experience and gain benefits. Furthermore, two key processes within this care were confirmed: the medical consultation and the treatment received by patients from non-clinical staff in the reception area. The implementation of these technologies aims to optimize time, improve diagnoses, and centralize all patient information into the system. This will provide healthcare centers or clinics that adopt these technologies with a competitive advantage.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Industrial
Pacientes atencion, Diagramas de flujo, Area de servicio de salud