Análisis de culturemas en la película Shrek 2 (2004) en su versión original y su doblaje al español latinoamericano.
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Universidad de Concepción
El intercambio cultural a través de producciones audiovisuales ha sido un fenómeno constante a lo largo de los años, y la aparición de plataformas de streaming ha acelerado este proceso al permitir que los usuarios accedan a películas en su idioma original, subtituladas o dobladas. Esta diversidad de opciones lingüísticas depende del trabajo de traductores, quienes juegan un rol fundamental al transmitir el mensaje original de la película a un público con una cultura diferente, sin perder su esencia. Esta investigación, de enfoque cualitativo y alcance descriptivo, se centra en la traducción de culturemas desde el inglés al español latinoamericano en la película animada Shrek 2. El corpus está compuesto por 28 culturemas, de los cuales se seleccionaron 19 para el análisis. Estos se clasificaron de acuerdo con la categorización de Igareda (2011) y se analizaron utilizando las técnicas de traducción propuestas por Hurtado y Molina (2002). Además, se aborda el proceso de domesticación del personaje Burro según la teoría de Venuti (1995). Los resultados indican que la técnica de traducción más empleada fue la de adaptación, y la categoría más frecuente de culturemas corresponde a aspectos lingüísticos, culturales y humorísticos. En la mayoría de los casos, se logró transmitir eficazmente la carga cultural al público latinoamericano, preservando el humor y las referencias culturales del filme original.
Cultural exchange through audiovisual productions has been a constant phenomenon over the years, and the emergence of streaming platforms has accelerated this process by allowing the users to access movies in their original language, subtitled or dubbed. This diversity of linguistic options relies on the work of translators, whose role is key in conveying the original message of a movie to an audience with a different culture, without losing its essence. This qualitative descriptive study focuses on the translation from English to Latin American Spanish of the cultural units or culturemes in the animated film Shrek 2. The corpus is composed of 28 culturemes, 19 of which were selected for analysis. They were classified according to Igareda’s (2011) cultural categorization proposal and were analysed using the translation techniques proposed by Hurtado and Molina (2002). In addition, the process of domestication of the character “Donkey” is approached according to the theory from Venuti (1995). The results reflect that the most frequently used translation technique was adaptation, and the most frequent cultural units category corresponds to linguistic, cultural and humoristic aspects. In most cases, an effective cultural load conveyance to the Latin American audience was achieved, while preserving the humor and the cultural references of the original film.
Cultural exchange through audiovisual productions has been a constant phenomenon over the years, and the emergence of streaming platforms has accelerated this process by allowing the users to access movies in their original language, subtitled or dubbed. This diversity of linguistic options relies on the work of translators, whose role is key in conveying the original message of a movie to an audience with a different culture, without losing its essence. This qualitative descriptive study focuses on the translation from English to Latin American Spanish of the cultural units or culturemes in the animated film Shrek 2. The corpus is composed of 28 culturemes, 19 of which were selected for analysis. They were classified according to Igareda’s (2011) cultural categorization proposal and were analysed using the translation techniques proposed by Hurtado and Molina (2002). In addition, the process of domestication of the character “Donkey” is approached according to the theory from Venuti (1995). The results reflect that the most frequently used translation technique was adaptation, and the most frequent cultural units category corresponds to linguistic, cultural and humoristic aspects. In most cases, an effective cultural load conveyance to the Latin American audience was achieved, while preserving the humor and the cultural references of the original film.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Licenciado en Traductología
Relaciones culturales, Traducción e interpretación, Domesticación, Cine