Catastro de plantas leñosas para el Bien Nacional Protegido Ranchillo Alto comuna de Yungay, Chile.
Riquelme Bobadilla, Natalia Fernanda
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Universidad de Concepción
El Bien Nacional Protegido Ranchillo Alto está inserto en una Reserva de la Biósfera y actualmente no cuenta con una línea base clara de biodiversidad. Este trabajo consiste en la elaboración del primer levantamiento oficial de flora presente en el predio, pero enfocado especialmente en especies leñosas. Para ello se hizo un muestreo sistemático con 55 puntos de reconocimiento de plantas y además se realizaron las curvas de riqueza acumulada. Se obtuvo una riqueza total de 47 especies dentro de las cuales predominan los arbustos, 30 especies, destacándose la presencia de nueve plantas endémicas. Se detectó la presencia de tres plantas en categoría de conservación, destacando Prumnopitys andina en estado “vulnerable”. Se enfatiza la importancia de estar alerta ante amenazas como el pastoreo que se lleva a cabo en el predio y el cambio climático, que podrían afectar la biodiversidad a futuro, y se recomienda la continuidad y ampliación de la investigación en plantas vasculares para obtener resultados más sólidos sobre la biodiversidad del área estudiada.
The Ranchillo Alto National Protected Area is located within a Biosphere Reserve and currently lacks a clear baseline of biodiversity. This work involves the development of the first official survey of flora present in the area, with a specific focus on woody species. To accomplish this, a systematic sampling was conducted at 55 plant recognition points, along with the generation of accumulation curves of species richness. A total richness of 47 species was obtained, with shrubs predominating at 30 species, including the notable presence of nine endemic plants. The presence of three species in conservation categories was detected, with Prumnopitys andina being highlighted as "vulnerable." Emphasis is placed on the importance of being vigilant against threats such as grazing on the premises and climate change, which could impact future biodiversity. It is recommended to continue and expand research on vascular plants to obtain more robust results regarding the biodiversity of the studied área.
The Ranchillo Alto National Protected Area is located within a Biosphere Reserve and currently lacks a clear baseline of biodiversity. This work involves the development of the first official survey of flora present in the area, with a specific focus on woody species. To accomplish this, a systematic sampling was conducted at 55 plant recognition points, along with the generation of accumulation curves of species richness. A total richness of 47 species was obtained, with shrubs predominating at 30 species, including the notable presence of nine endemic plants. The presence of three species in conservation categories was detected, with Prumnopitys andina being highlighted as "vulnerable." Emphasis is placed on the importance of being vigilant against threats such as grazing on the premises and climate change, which could impact future biodiversity. It is recommended to continue and expand research on vascular plants to obtain more robust results regarding the biodiversity of the studied área.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniera en Conservación de Recursos Naturales
Plantas leñosas Chile, Áreas protegidas Chile, Yungay (chile)