Utilización del software i-tree para evaluación de beneficios ecosistémicos y cobertura arbórea en el centro urbano de Concepción.
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Universidad de Concepción
Este estudio evaluó el impacto de dos programas, Canopy y Eco, del software i- Tree utilizado en la gestión del arbolado urbano y aplicado en Concepción. Se examinó la diversidad y salud del arbolado en 1,88 km² (188 hectáreas) del centro urbano mediante i-Tree. Utilizando el programa Canopy, se evaluó la cobertura de 618 puntos de muestreo, determinándose que el 55,53% corresponde a edificaciones y el 14,08% a árboles. Mientras que el programa Eco, basado en observaciones terrestres, mostró que la cobertura arbórea superó el 40% y con un menor porcentaje de edificaciones dentro de las parcelas. En beneficios ecosistémicos, Eco demostró un 60% más de secuestro de carbono y un 33% más de almacenamiento que Canopy. Esta diferencia se origina a que Eco calcula los beneficios dependiendo de cada especie y variables como altura y DAP, a diferencia de Canopy que calcula el secuestro en base a la cantidad de puntos muestreados y su correcta identificación.
Finalmente, aunque se reconocen los desafíos y limitaciones, este estudio sugiere que el uso de i-Tree puede ser una herramienta valiosa para futuros proyectos que permitan mejorar la gestión sostenible del arbolado urbano en Concepción. Las conclusiones ofrecen recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones y acciones prácticas, subrayando la importancia de integrar herramientas tecnológicas en la planificación urbana para lograr entornos más saludables y sostenibles.
This study assessed the impact of two programs, Canopy and Eco, within the i- Tree software used in urban tree management and applied in Concepción. The diversity and health of the urban tree canopy in a 1.88 km² (188 hectares) area of the city center were examined using i-Tree. The Canopy program evaluated coverage using 618 sampling points, determining that 55.53% corresponds to buildings and 14.08% to trees. Meanwhile, the Eco program, based on ground observations, showed that tree coverage exceeded 40%, with a lower percentage of buildings within the plots. In terms of ecosystem benefits, Eco demonstrated 60% more carbon sequestration and 33% more storage than Canopy. This difference arises because Eco calculates benefits depending on each species and variables such as height and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), unlike Canopy, which calculates sequestration based on the quantity of sampled points and their accurate identification. Finally, despite recognizing challenges and limitations, this study suggests that the use of i-Tree can be a valuable tool for future projects aimed at improving sustainable urban tree management in Concepción. The conclusions provide recommendations for future research and practical actions, emphasizing the importance of integrating technological tools in urban planning to achieve healthier and more sustainable environment.
This study assessed the impact of two programs, Canopy and Eco, within the i- Tree software used in urban tree management and applied in Concepción. The diversity and health of the urban tree canopy in a 1.88 km² (188 hectares) area of the city center were examined using i-Tree. The Canopy program evaluated coverage using 618 sampling points, determining that 55.53% corresponds to buildings and 14.08% to trees. Meanwhile, the Eco program, based on ground observations, showed that tree coverage exceeded 40%, with a lower percentage of buildings within the plots. In terms of ecosystem benefits, Eco demonstrated 60% more carbon sequestration and 33% more storage than Canopy. This difference arises because Eco calculates benefits depending on each species and variables such as height and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), unlike Canopy, which calculates sequestration based on the quantity of sampled points and their accurate identification. Finally, despite recognizing challenges and limitations, this study suggests that the use of i-Tree can be a valuable tool for future projects aimed at improving sustainable urban tree management in Concepción. The conclusions provide recommendations for future research and practical actions, emphasizing the importance of integrating technological tools in urban planning to achieve healthier and more sustainable environment.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Forestal
Tecnología verde, Biodiversidad Chile, Planificacíon urbana Chile Concepción