Rol de la vegetación de jardines en las temperaturas interiores y exteriores de viviendas en la comuna de Puente Alto.
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Universidad de Concepción
La comuna de Puente Alto es la capital provincial de la Provincia Cordillera, que forma parte de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Desde los años 90 esta comuna transitó a ser una zona urbana de gran densidad demográfica, transformándose en la comuna más poblada del país, concentrando 171.511 viviendas en una superficie de 88 km 2, exponiéndola al desarrollo de islas urbanas de calor, fenómeno que puede ser mitigado por la presencia de áreas verdes. Sin embargo, en la comuna de Puente Alto se registran 1.613 áreas verdes que representan una superficie total de 1.837.303 m2, es decir, 3,23 m2 por habitante (muy por debajo de lo que indica la OMS 9m2/ habitante).
Mediante la instalación de sensores de temperatura i-button que registran valores al interior y exterior de tres tipos de viviendas (con jardín, con poco jardín y sin jardín), y mediante análisis de box plot de las series de temperaturas, se cuantificó que las áreas verdes son capaces de reducir en 4,4° las temperaturas interiores de viviendas con jardín (temperaturas un 13,2% más bajas) respecto de aquellas que poseen poco jardín, reducción que puede alcanzar los 5,4° (temperaturas un 15,8% más bajas) respecto del interior de viviendas sin jardín durante el período diurno.
A través de la cuantificación (en m2) de los diferentes tipos de suelo en los 3 tipos de viviendas (con jardín, con poco jardín y sin jardín), se identificó que en el área de viviendas con jardín la extensión de esta área verde es de 9.436 m2 y registra reducciones de 4,7° en las temperaturas exteriores en relación con las áreas con poco jardín (3.370 m2 de áreas verdes) y reducciones de 3,7° en las temperaturas exteriores con relación a las áreas sin jardín (195 m 2 de áreas verdes).
Esto plantea la necesidad de una planificación barrial que integre zonas urbanas (que usen materiales y técnicas que no creen islas de calor urbanas) y áreas verdes con características de extensión y proximidad que permitan reducir las altas temperaturas, y por ende servir a reducir futuros riesgos a la salud humana en futuros contextos de olas de calor.
The Puente Alto commune is the provincial capital of the Cordillera Province, which is part of the Santiago Metropolitan Region. Since the 1990s, this commune shifted into an urban zone with high demographic density becoming the most populated commune in the country. The commune concentrates 171,511 housing in an area of 88 km2 exposing it to the development of urban heat islands, a phenomenon that can be mitigated by the presence of green areas. However, there are 1,613 green areas registered in Puente Alto which represent a total area of 1,873,303 m2 per inhabitant, well below the WHO 9 m2/inhabitant. By installing i-button temperature sensors that record values inside and outside three housing types, with a garden, little garden, and without a garden, and through box plot analysis of temperature series, it was quantified that the green areas can reduce by 4.4° the interior temperature of houses with a garden, 13.2% lower temperatures. In contrast to those with little garden, a reduction that can reach 5.4°, 15.8% lower temperatures, compared to the inside of houses without a garden during the daytime period. By quantifying the different soil types in m2 of the three housing types, it was identified that in houses with a garden the extension of green areas is of 9,436 m2 and registers a reduction of 4.7° in the outside temperatures. Compared to the areas with little garden, 3,370 m2 of green areas, and a reduction of 3.7° in the outside temperatures in relation to the areas without a garden, 195 m2 of green areas. The above-mentioned suggests the necessity of neighborhood planning that integrates urban areas, which use materials and techniques that do not create urban heat areas. Furthermore, green areas with extension and proximity characteristics that allow to reduce the high temperatures and therefore, reduce future risks to human health in future heat wave contexts.
The Puente Alto commune is the provincial capital of the Cordillera Province, which is part of the Santiago Metropolitan Region. Since the 1990s, this commune shifted into an urban zone with high demographic density becoming the most populated commune in the country. The commune concentrates 171,511 housing in an area of 88 km2 exposing it to the development of urban heat islands, a phenomenon that can be mitigated by the presence of green areas. However, there are 1,613 green areas registered in Puente Alto which represent a total area of 1,873,303 m2 per inhabitant, well below the WHO 9 m2/inhabitant. By installing i-button temperature sensors that record values inside and outside three housing types, with a garden, little garden, and without a garden, and through box plot analysis of temperature series, it was quantified that the green areas can reduce by 4.4° the interior temperature of houses with a garden, 13.2% lower temperatures. In contrast to those with little garden, a reduction that can reach 5.4°, 15.8% lower temperatures, compared to the inside of houses without a garden during the daytime period. By quantifying the different soil types in m2 of the three housing types, it was identified that in houses with a garden the extension of green areas is of 9,436 m2 and registers a reduction of 4.7° in the outside temperatures. Compared to the areas with little garden, 3,370 m2 of green areas, and a reduction of 3.7° in the outside temperatures in relation to the areas without a garden, 195 m2 of green areas. The above-mentioned suggests the necessity of neighborhood planning that integrates urban areas, which use materials and techniques that do not create urban heat areas. Furthermore, green areas with extension and proximity characteristics that allow to reduce the high temperatures and therefore, reduce future risks to human health in future heat wave contexts.
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Áreas verdes, Altas temperaturas, Planificación urbana, Calidad de vida