Evaluación de riesgos por incendios forestales y por procesos de remoción en masa en viviendas subsidiadas en el sector Escuadrón de la comuna de Coronel.
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Universidad de Concepción
El sector Escuadrón, ubicado en la comuna de Coronel, enfrenta diversas amenazas naturales que impactan la seguridad y la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, siendo las remociones en masa e incendios forestales especialmente destacados entre ellos. La presente investigación se orienta hacia la realización de una evaluación de riesgos específica para estos eventos en Escuadrón, con el objetivo general de identificar fuentes de amenaza y características de vulnerabilidad comunitaria. La finalidad última final consiste en generar herramientas adicionales a las ya existentes con el fin de fortalecer la gestión del riesgo de desastres en el área de estudio.
En una primera etapa de la investigación, se llevará a cabo la zonificación de las áreas propensas a amenazas por incendios forestales y remociones en masa. Variables como la orientación de laderas, pendiente, usos de suelo y cobertura vegetal serán consideradas en este análisis. La combinación y posterior reclasificación de estos factores permitirán la creación de un mapa de amenazas, destacando de manera precisa las áreas más susceptibles a estos eventos naturales. Posteriormente, se realizará un análisis de vulnerabilidad de la población del sector Escuadrón frente a remociones en masa e incendios forestales, tomando en cuenta factores antrópicos como la densidad de población, las características socioeconómicas de la población, la presencia de viviendas subsidiadas y la fragilidad de las zonas urbanas de suburbios. La evaluación resultante, combinada con la reclasificación de factores antrópicos, generara un mapa de vulnerabilidad que complementara la comprensión de los riesgos presentes en la comunidad suburbana.
La evaluación de riesgos integrara los mapas de amenaza y vulnerabilidad para identificar áreas de mayor riesgo. Con estos resultados, se espera obtener una base sólida para establecer medidas preventivas y de preparación adecuadas. Esta información contribuirá a la toma de decisiones, priorizando zonas de mayor riesgo y reforzando las herramientas disponibles para la gestión del riesgo de desastres en el área de estudio.
La implementación de políticas y medidas de gestión del riesgo, derivadas de los resultados de esta evaluación, será fundamental para disminuir la fragilidad de la comunidad, especialmente de las viviendas subsidiadas, ante desastres. Además, la difusión de la información obtenida fomentara la conciencia sobre la importancia de la prevención y la preparación, promoviendo una mayor resiliencia comunitaria frente a los riesgos identificados.
The Escuadrón sector, located in the Coronel commune, faces various natural threats that impact the security and quality of life of its inhabitants, with mass movements and forest fires being particularly prominent among them. This research is oriented towards conducting a specific risk assessment for these events in Escuadrón, with the general objective of identifying sources of threat and characteristics of community vulnerability. The ultimate purpose is to generate additional tools to strengthen disaster risk management in the study area. In the initial stage of the research, zoning of areas prone to threats from forest fires and mass movements will be carried out. Variables such as slope orientation, gradient, land use, and vegetation cover will be considered in this analysis. The combination and subsequent reclassification of these factors will allow the creation of a threat map, accurately highlighting the most susceptible areas to these natural events. Subsequently, a vulnerability analysis of the Escuadrón sector's population to mass movements and forest fires will be conducted, taking into account anthropogenic factors such as population density, socioeconomic characteristics, the presence of subsidized housing, and the fragility of suburban urban areas. The resulting evaluation, combined with the reclassification of anthropogenic factors, will generate a vulnerability map that complements the understanding of risks present in the suburban community. The risk assessment will integrate threat and vulnerability maps to identify areas of higher risk. With these results, a solid foundation is expected to be obtained for establishing appropriate preventive and preparedness measures. This information will contribute to decision-making, prioritizing high-risk areas and reinforcing the available tools for disaster risk management in the study area. The implementation of risk management policies and measures, derived from the results of this assessment, will be crucial to reduce the fragility of the community, especially subsidized housing, in the face of disasters. Furthermore, the dissemination of the obtained information will foster awareness of the importance of prevention and preparedness, promoting greater community resilience against identified risks.
The Escuadrón sector, located in the Coronel commune, faces various natural threats that impact the security and quality of life of its inhabitants, with mass movements and forest fires being particularly prominent among them. This research is oriented towards conducting a specific risk assessment for these events in Escuadrón, with the general objective of identifying sources of threat and characteristics of community vulnerability. The ultimate purpose is to generate additional tools to strengthen disaster risk management in the study area. In the initial stage of the research, zoning of areas prone to threats from forest fires and mass movements will be carried out. Variables such as slope orientation, gradient, land use, and vegetation cover will be considered in this analysis. The combination and subsequent reclassification of these factors will allow the creation of a threat map, accurately highlighting the most susceptible areas to these natural events. Subsequently, a vulnerability analysis of the Escuadrón sector's population to mass movements and forest fires will be conducted, taking into account anthropogenic factors such as population density, socioeconomic characteristics, the presence of subsidized housing, and the fragility of suburban urban areas. The resulting evaluation, combined with the reclassification of anthropogenic factors, will generate a vulnerability map that complements the understanding of risks present in the suburban community. The risk assessment will integrate threat and vulnerability maps to identify areas of higher risk. With these results, a solid foundation is expected to be obtained for establishing appropriate preventive and preparedness measures. This information will contribute to decision-making, prioritizing high-risk areas and reinforcing the available tools for disaster risk management in the study area. The implementation of risk management policies and measures, derived from the results of this assessment, will be crucial to reduce the fragility of the community, especially subsidized housing, in the face of disasters. Furthermore, the dissemination of the obtained information will foster awareness of the importance of prevention and preparedness, promoting greater community resilience against identified risks.
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Incendios forestales, Vulnerabilidad, Gestión del riesgo