Evaluación de propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario ICAST-C para detección de abuso sexual en estudiantes de enseñanza media municipal de los ángeles durante el año 2024.
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Universidad de Concepción
Introducción: El abuso sexual infantil es un problema sociosanitario que se mantiene en gran medida invisibilizado. Chile carece de un instrumento validado y evaluado psicométricamente para favorecer la detección de estos eventos.
Objetivo: Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario ICAST-C para la detección de abuso sexual en población adolescente de educación media durante el año 2024.
Material y método: Estudio cuantitativo, observacional, transversal, de tipo psicométrico. En una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 669 adolescentes de enseñanza media en establecimientos educacionales municipales de la comuna de Los Ángeles, Chile. Se aplicó la versión en español del ICAST-C que evalúa diversas dimensiones relacionadas con el abuso infantil. La investigación fue aprobada por comité ético científico. Se realizó validez de constructo, con análisis factorial exploratorio y confiabilidad en base a la consistencia interna, con Alfa de Cronbach.
Resultados: Se identificaron cuatro dimensiones en el análisis psicométrico: victimización psicológica, física y sexual, y negligencia, con 26 ítems y una adecuada confiabilidad interna (0,915; 0,825; 0,857; 0,801). La prevalencia media del abuso sexual es la misma que el ítem específico de violación (4,8%), y el principal perpetrador reconocido para este tipo de violencia es la figura masculina.
Conclusión: El ICAST-C posee adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para evaluar el abuso infantil en las dimensiones de violencia física, psicológica, sexual, y negligencia en población adolescente de 13 a 19 años, demostrando que se pudiese utilizar en Chile como instrumento estandarizado y de calidad para favorecer la pesquisa de casos expuestos a violencia.
Introduction: Child sexual abuse is a social and health problem that is mostly kept hidden. Chile lacks a validated, psychometrically-tested tool to help detect such cases. Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the ICAST-C questionnaire for detecting sexual abuse among adolescents in secondary education during 2024. Material and method: Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional psychometric study, with a convenience sample of 669 adolescents from high schools in the commune of Los Ángeles, Chile. A version of ICAST-C in Spanish was applied, evaluating several dimensions of child abuse. This research was approved by the university’s ethics committee. Construct validity was tested with exploratory factor analysis, and internal consistency, with Cronbach’s alpha. Results: Four dimensions were identified in the psychometric analysis: psychological victimization, physical victimization, sexual victimization, and negligence, with 26 items and an adequate internal reliability (0.915, 0.825, 0.857, and 0.801, respectively). The average prevalence of sexual abuse is the same seen for the specific item for rape (4.8%), and the main perpetrators of this type of violence are males. Conclusión: ICAST-C has the adequate psychometric properties to evaluate child abuse in the dimensions of negligence and physical, psychological, and sexual violence among adolescents aged 13-19, proving that it can be used in Chile as a standardized quality tool to help find cases of violence.
Introduction: Child sexual abuse is a social and health problem that is mostly kept hidden. Chile lacks a validated, psychometrically-tested tool to help detect such cases. Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the ICAST-C questionnaire for detecting sexual abuse among adolescents in secondary education during 2024. Material and method: Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional psychometric study, with a convenience sample of 669 adolescents from high schools in the commune of Los Ángeles, Chile. A version of ICAST-C in Spanish was applied, evaluating several dimensions of child abuse. This research was approved by the university’s ethics committee. Construct validity was tested with exploratory factor analysis, and internal consistency, with Cronbach’s alpha. Results: Four dimensions were identified in the psychometric analysis: psychological victimization, physical victimization, sexual victimization, and negligence, with 26 items and an adequate internal reliability (0.915, 0.825, 0.857, and 0.801, respectively). The average prevalence of sexual abuse is the same seen for the specific item for rape (4.8%), and the main perpetrators of this type of violence are males. Conclusión: ICAST-C has the adequate psychometric properties to evaluate child abuse in the dimensions of negligence and physical, psychological, and sexual violence among adolescents aged 13-19, proving that it can be used in Chile as a standardized quality tool to help find cases of violence.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado académico de Magíster en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva
Abuso sexual infantil, Instrumentos de medición, Estrellas variables