Aprovechamiento del vertimiento de energía de centrales energéticas renovables no convencionales con Baterías de Carnot en la descarbonización de una central térmica a carbón convencional.
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Universidad de Concepción
El estudio investiga la viabilidad de reconvertir una central térmica a carbón en un sistema de almacenamiento térmico utilizando Baterías de Carnot, aprovechando los excedentes de energía de fuentes renovables no convencionales (ERNC) como la solar y eólica. Se plantea la sustitución de la caldera a carbón por un sistema de almacenamiento de sales fundidas, evaluando diferentes configuraciones y su desempeño técnico y termodinámico mediante el ciclo Rankine.
Los resultados muestran una eficiencia del 72% para el nuevo ciclo, superando ampliamente a las tecnologías convencionales y reduciendo las emisiones de CO₂ hasta un 89%. Desde un punto de vista económico, el proyecto alcanzaría la rentabilidad en un plazo de 20 años, posicionándose como una alternativa sostenible en un plazo coherente para la descarbonización del sector energético.
Sin embargo, el estudio también identifica ciertos desafíos relacionados con la interconexión de centrales y la capacidad de transmisión, lo cual sugiere un enfoque gradual que combine sistemas híbridos en plantas existentes. En definitiva, la integración de Baterías de Carnot se presenta como una solución factible, económica y ambientalmente ventajosa, permitiendo un mejor aprovechamiento de las ERNC y promoviendo la descarbonización en el contexto energético chileno.
The study investigates the feasibility of converting a coal-fired power plant into a thermal storage system using Carnot batteries, taking advantage of surplus energy from non-conventional renewable sources (NCRE) such as solar and wind. The replacement of the coal-fired boiler by a molten salt storage system is proposed, evaluating different configurations and their technical and thermodynamic performance by means of the Rankine cycle. The results show an efficiency of 72% for the new cycle, far exceeding conventional technologies and reducing CO₂ emissions up to 89%. From an economic point of view, the project would reach profitability within 20 years, positioning itself as a sustainable alternative in a consistent timeframe for the decarbonization of the energy sector. However, the study also identifies certain challenges related to plant interconnection and transmission capacity, suggesting a phased approach combining hybrid systems in existing plants. In short, the integration of Carnot Batteries is presented as a feasible, economically, and environmentally advantageous solution, allowing a better use of NCRE and promoting decarbonization in the Chilean energy context.
The study investigates the feasibility of converting a coal-fired power plant into a thermal storage system using Carnot batteries, taking advantage of surplus energy from non-conventional renewable sources (NCRE) such as solar and wind. The replacement of the coal-fired boiler by a molten salt storage system is proposed, evaluating different configurations and their technical and thermodynamic performance by means of the Rankine cycle. The results show an efficiency of 72% for the new cycle, far exceeding conventional technologies and reducing CO₂ emissions up to 89%. From an economic point of view, the project would reach profitability within 20 years, positioning itself as a sustainable alternative in a consistent timeframe for the decarbonization of the energy sector. However, the study also identifies certain challenges related to plant interconnection and transmission capacity, suggesting a phased approach combining hybrid systems in existing plants. In short, the integration of Carnot Batteries is presented as a feasible, economically, and environmentally advantageous solution, allowing a better use of NCRE and promoting decarbonization in the Chilean energy context.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Civil Mecánico
Recursos energéticos renovables, Almacenamiento de energía, Centrales eléctricas de carbón