Evaluación de parámetros de valorización de la avifauna para fomentar el desarrollo del aviturismo en el humedal Tubul-Raqui.
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Universidad de Concepción
El aviturismo o birdwatching es una actividad que motiva a cientos de personas a visitar lugares en busca de aves, por esta razón los y las avituristas contribuyen a la economía local de sitios con alta riqueza de aves, como los humedales. Actualmente, el Humedal Tubul-Raqui fue declarado Santuario de la Naturaleza y es un área clave en la ruta migratoria del Pacífico Americano, declarado también Important Bird Area (IBA). A pesar de su relevancia y riqueza de aves, la localidad carece de desarrollo turístico y actividades de aviturismo. Esta investigación analiza cuáles son las características de las aves preferidas por observadores con distinto nivel de especialización (recreacionistas y especialistas). En base a esta evaluación, se definen las especies llamativas del humedal para fomentar el aviturismo y se establecen recomendaciones para su promoción. Se recopiló un listado de 125 especies presentes en el humedal y se evaluaron ocho parámetros, incluyendo masa corporal, colorido, endemismo, estado de conservación, singularidad taxonómica, estatus migratorio, comportamiento social y hábitat. Los resultados muestran que observadores especialistas valoran el endemismo y el estado de conservación respectivamente, mientras que los recreacionistas prefieren colorido del plumaje y endemismo por igual. El cisne coscoroba (Coscoroba coscoraba) lidera el ranking de especies llamativas. Estas preferencias pueden influir en la promoción y planificación del aviturismo, así como en la conservación de aves y sus hábitats.
Birdwatching is an activity that motivates hundreds of people to visit places in search of birds, for this reason birdwatchers contribute to the local economy of sites with high bird richness, such as wetlands. Currently, the Tubul-Raqui Wetland was declared a Nature Sanctuary and is a key area in the migratory route of the American Pacific, also declared an Important Bird Area (IBA). Despite its relevance and wealth of birds, the locality lacks tourism development and birdwatching activities. This research analyzes the characteristics of the birds preferred by birders with different levels of specialization (recreationalists and specialists). Based on this evaluation, we define the most attractive species of the wetland to encourage birdwatching and establish recommendations for their promotion. A list of 125 species present in the wetland was compiled and eight parameters were evaluated, including body mass, coloring, endemism, conservation status, taxonomic uniqueness, migratory status, social behavior and habitat. Results show that specialist observers value endemism and conservation status respectively, while recreationists prefer plumage coloration and endemism equally. The coscoroba swan (Coscoroba coscoraba) leads the ranking of conspicuous species. These preferences can influence the promotion and planning of avitourism, as well as the conservation of birds and their habitats.
Birdwatching is an activity that motivates hundreds of people to visit places in search of birds, for this reason birdwatchers contribute to the local economy of sites with high bird richness, such as wetlands. Currently, the Tubul-Raqui Wetland was declared a Nature Sanctuary and is a key area in the migratory route of the American Pacific, also declared an Important Bird Area (IBA). Despite its relevance and wealth of birds, the locality lacks tourism development and birdwatching activities. This research analyzes the characteristics of the birds preferred by birders with different levels of specialization (recreationalists and specialists). Based on this evaluation, we define the most attractive species of the wetland to encourage birdwatching and establish recommendations for their promotion. A list of 125 species present in the wetland was compiled and eight parameters were evaluated, including body mass, coloring, endemism, conservation status, taxonomic uniqueness, migratory status, social behavior and habitat. Results show that specialist observers value endemism and conservation status respectively, while recreationists prefer plumage coloration and endemism equally. The coscoroba swan (Coscoroba coscoraba) leads the ranking of conspicuous species. These preferences can influence the promotion and planning of avitourism, as well as the conservation of birds and their habitats.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniera en Conservación de Recursos Naturales
Aves Habitat Chile, Humedales Chile, Monitoreo ambiental