Analysis and decomposition of energy consumption in the chilean industry Análisis y Descomposición del Consumo de Energía en la Industria Chilena
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Universidad de Concepción.
In a scenario of rising energy costs, global warming and climate change,
energy e ciency might play a central role to reduce the impact on the en-
vironment of industrial activities, while keeping the competitiveness of the
industry. This Tesis aims at analyzing what explain the changes in the e -
ciency of energy consumption in Chile's industry. In order to provide policy-
makers with the information needed to determine whether energy e ciency
policies can play a role in the industrial sector in Chile and if it is better to
have a unique or a di erentiated energy e ciency policy for Chile's industry.
The logarithmic mean Divisia index method I is used for the decomposition
Tesis Magister en Economía de Recursos Naturales y del Medio Ambiente Universidad de Concepción 2014
Industrias - Consumo de Energía - Chile, Desarrollo Energético - Industrias, Energía - Aspectos Económicos, Recursos Energéticos - Costos, Eficiencia Energética