Diseño de ingeniería de sistema de ahorro y generación de recursos para una vivienda rural en distintas zonas térmicas del país.
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Universidad de Concepción
Los hogares chilenos requieren recursos energéticos, los cuales son suplidos por distintas fuentes que tienen una huella de carbono importante. Chile es uno de los países con mayor potencial de energías renovables del mundo, esto implica una excelente oportunidad para las familias de conseguir estos recursos sin seguir destruyendo el medio ambiente.
En este informe, se estudian distintas tecnologías de generación y ahorro energético, para lograr que el consumo energético neto de un hogar chileno sea cero. Con un enfoque centrado en los distintos equipos que puedan cumplir este objetivo, con un cálculo de eficiencias y que efectos generan entre ellos.
Además de su potencial, Chile presenta diversas condiciones climáticas que impiden un análisis único para todo el país. Es por ello, que se seleccionan siete zonas térmicas, definidas por Ministerio de vivienda y urbanismo, para realizar el estudio de manera independiente en cada una.
Se investigaron distintas fuentes oficiales, como la CNE, la SEC, el SERNAC, entre otros, para determinar de manera precisa, cuáles son las demandas de recursos que tienen los chilenos a cada hora del año. Además, se investigaron las condiciones meteorológicas, cabe decir, radiación, temperatura, velocidad del viento, para tener todos los parámetros que pudieran afectar el funcionamiento de los equipos.
Las demandas horarias y los parámetros ambientales nos permiten tener un contexto muy preciso de lo que está sucediendo a cada hora del año. Esto sumado a un entendimiento global del funcionamiento de los equipos antes mencionados, nos permitirá sacar conclusiones a partir de un análisis.
Se llevó a cabo un cálculo, estudiando la eficiencia instantánea de cada equipo. Este cálculo se realizó de manera escalonada para considerar el impacto que van generando unos con otros, además de calcular flujo de caja y métricas económicos como el VAN y el TIR. El objetivo principal es que la demanda neta sea cero, para ello se investigaron todas las configuraciones posibles para cada zona.
Con la herramienta Excel se realizó el cálculo base, con una cantidad de paneles, colectores y equipos auxiliares. Luego, en la misma herramienta, ahora con macros, se realizó un proceso iterativo que prueba y guarda los resultados para 60 configuraciones en cada zona térmica. Los resultados sin tratar se encuentran en el Anexo A.
Hay diversas configuraciones que cumplen el cometido. La que conlleva menor gasto inicial es la de dos paneles fotovoltaicos y un calefón para agua caliente sanitaria. La que tiene mayor VAN es de dos colectores solares y 3 paneles fotovoltaicos, también apoyada en un calefón como energía auxiliar. Cabe destacar que estas soluciones son válidas para cinco de las siete zonas térmicas.
Chilean households require resources, which are supplied by different sources with a significant carbon footprint. Chile is one of the countries with the greatest potential for renewable energy in the world, providing an excellent opportunity for families to obtain these resources without continuing to harm the environment. In this report, various generation and energy-saving technologies will be studied to transform a Chilean house into a net-zero energy house. Besides its potential, Chile has diverse climatic conditions that prevent a single analysis for the entire country. For this reason, seven thermal zones, defined by “Ministerio de vivienda y urbanismo”, are selected to carry out the study independently for each one. Different official sources, such as the CNE, SEC, SERNAC, CDT, among others, were investigated to accurately determine the hourly resource demands of Chileans. In addition, meteorological conditions like radiation, temperature, and wind speed were investigated to account for all the parameters that might affect equipment performance. Once the equipment was selected, an integrated calculation was carried out, studying the instantaneous efficiency of each technology. This calculation was performed in stages to consider the impact they have on each other, along with calculating cash flow and economic metrics like NPV and IRR. The main objective is for net demand zero; therefore, all possible configurations were investigated for each thermal zone. Using Excel, a base calculation was performed with a fixed number of panels, collectors, and auxiliary equipment. Then, with macros in the same tool, an iterative process was conducted to test and save the results for 60 configurations in each thermal zone. The untreated results are found in Appendix A. There are several configurations that meet the goal. The one with the lowest initial cost is two photovoltaic panels and a gas water heater for domestic hot water. The one with the highest NPV includes two solar collectors and three photovoltaic panels, also supported by a gas water heater. It should be noted that these solutions are valid for five of the seven thermal zones.
Chilean households require resources, which are supplied by different sources with a significant carbon footprint. Chile is one of the countries with the greatest potential for renewable energy in the world, providing an excellent opportunity for families to obtain these resources without continuing to harm the environment. In this report, various generation and energy-saving technologies will be studied to transform a Chilean house into a net-zero energy house. Besides its potential, Chile has diverse climatic conditions that prevent a single analysis for the entire country. For this reason, seven thermal zones, defined by “Ministerio de vivienda y urbanismo”, are selected to carry out the study independently for each one. Different official sources, such as the CNE, SEC, SERNAC, CDT, among others, were investigated to accurately determine the hourly resource demands of Chileans. In addition, meteorological conditions like radiation, temperature, and wind speed were investigated to account for all the parameters that might affect equipment performance. Once the equipment was selected, an integrated calculation was carried out, studying the instantaneous efficiency of each technology. This calculation was performed in stages to consider the impact they have on each other, along with calculating cash flow and economic metrics like NPV and IRR. The main objective is for net demand zero; therefore, all possible configurations were investigated for each thermal zone. Using Excel, a base calculation was performed with a fixed number of panels, collectors, and auxiliary equipment. Then, with macros in the same tool, an iterative process was conducted to test and save the results for 60 configurations in each thermal zone. The untreated results are found in Appendix A. There are several configurations that meet the goal. The one with the lowest initial cost is two photovoltaic panels and a gas water heater for domestic hot water. The one with the highest NPV includes two solar collectors and three photovoltaic panels, also supported by a gas water heater. It should be noted that these solutions are valid for five of the seven thermal zones.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Civil Mecánico
Recursos energéticos renovables, Sustentabilidad, Diseño en ingeniería