Confección de un modelo CFD para el análisis del comportamiento de la dinámica de gases al interior de un motor de combustible sólido.
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Universidad de Concepción
La presente investigación se enmarca en el desarrollo de una mejora para la modulación de combustión de propelente s´ olido al interior de un motor de cohete para el Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad de Concepción. La estrategia empleada históricamente consiste en desacoplar el problema, utilizando un modelo 0-dimensional para la cámara de combustión y CFD para la tobera. En cambio, aquí se propone resolver el problema acoplado, representando la combustión solida como un fenómeno fluido-dinámico únicamente (sin reacciones químicas). Usando un volumen de control 2D asimétrico, se empleó una malla fija y otra Overset para la simulación del problema usando ANSYS Fluent. Los resultados de ambas simulaciones son casi idénticos, a excepción del tiempo de cómputo que es 125% mayor con la malla Overset. Adicionalmente, se programó en Python la combustión de Nitrato de Potasio y Dextrosa (KNDX) usando un modelo de composita y otro de quemado erosivo. El modelo de composita describe correctamente la combustión de KNDX al compararla con datos experimentales, por lo que será usado en trabajos futuros para representar la regresión del grano.
The work presented herein aims to improve the Mechanical Engineering Department’s cur rent model for solid propellant combustion inside a solid rocket motor. Historically, the strat egy has been to de-couple the problem, employing a 0-dimensional model on the combustion chamber and CFD on the nozzle. Here, a coupled approach is proposed instead, depicting solid propellant combustion solely as a fluid dynamic’s phenomenon (without chemical re actions). A 2D axisymmetrical control volume with a fixed mesh and another one with an overset mesh were developed to simulate the problem in ANSYS Fluent. Results from both simulations show almost perfect agreement, the exception being the calculation time which was 125% longer with the overset mesh approach. Aditionally, combustion of Potassium Nitrate and Dextrose was coded in Python using a composite propellant combustion model and an erosive burning one. The composite propellant combustion model properly represents KNDX combustion when compared to experimental data, hence future research will employ this model to describe grain regression.
The work presented herein aims to improve the Mechanical Engineering Department’s cur rent model for solid propellant combustion inside a solid rocket motor. Historically, the strat egy has been to de-couple the problem, employing a 0-dimensional model on the combustion chamber and CFD on the nozzle. Here, a coupled approach is proposed instead, depicting solid propellant combustion solely as a fluid dynamic’s phenomenon (without chemical re actions). A 2D axisymmetrical control volume with a fixed mesh and another one with an overset mesh were developed to simulate the problem in ANSYS Fluent. Results from both simulations show almost perfect agreement, the exception being the calculation time which was 125% longer with the overset mesh approach. Aditionally, combustion of Potassium Nitrate and Dextrose was coded in Python using a composite propellant combustion model and an erosive burning one. The composite propellant combustion model properly represents KNDX combustion when compared to experimental data, hence future research will employ this model to describe grain regression.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Aeroespacial
Dinámica de fluidos computacional, Combustión, Cohetes (Aeronáutica)