Desarrollo de aplicaciones web mapping para visualizar eventos de remociones en masa en Cocholgüe, comuna de Tomé, Región del Biobío (Chile).
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Universidad de Concepción
Las remociones en masa son un tipo de peligro geológico frecuente en distintas zonas de Chile, causando pérdidas humanas y daños a la infraestructura. En este contexto, la posibilidad de desarrollar aplicaciones alternativas o complementarias para visualizar eventos de remoción en masa representa una oportunidad fundamental para abordar esta temática. Estas herramientas pueden contribuir significativamente al conocimiento y comprensión de esta temática, ofreciendo apoyo tanto a profesionales involucrados en la gestión de estos eventos como a usuarios interesados en explorar los datos disponibles. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones de Web Mapping. Una de ellas utiliza software propietario, construida mediante ArcGIS Experience Builder; mientras que la otra se basa en una arquitectura tecnológica que integra PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer y la librería de JavaScript de código abierto Leaflet. Como resultado, se presentan dos aplicaciones Web Mapping para visualizar eventos de remociones en masa en Cocholgüe, comuna de Tome en la Región del BioBío (Chile).
Landslides are a frequent type of geological hazard in different areas of Chile, causing human losses and damage to infrastructure. In this context, the possibility of developing alternative or complementary applications to visualize landslide events represents a fundamental opportunity to address this issue. These tools can contribute significantly to the knowledge and understanding of this topic, offering support both to professionals involved in the management of these events and to users interested in exploring the available data. In this work, two Web Mapping applications have been developed. One of them uses proprietary software, built using ArcGIS Experience Builder; while the other is based on a technological architecture that integrates PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer and the Leaflet open source JavaScript library. As a result, two Web Mapping applications are presented to visualize landslide events in Cocholgüe, commune of Tome in the BioBío Region (Chile).
Landslides are a frequent type of geological hazard in different areas of Chile, causing human losses and damage to infrastructure. In this context, the possibility of developing alternative or complementary applications to visualize landslide events represents a fundamental opportunity to address this issue. These tools can contribute significantly to the knowledge and understanding of this topic, offering support both to professionals involved in the management of these events and to users interested in exploring the available data. In this work, two Web Mapping applications have been developed. One of them uses proprietary software, built using ArcGIS Experience Builder; while the other is based on a technological architecture that integrates PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer and the Leaflet open source JavaScript library. As a result, two Web Mapping applications are presented to visualize landslide events in Cocholgüe, commune of Tome in the BioBío Region (Chile).
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Geógrafo
Cartografía digital, Sistemas de información geográfica Software, Tomé (Chile) Mapas