Los instrumentos de bronce como estrategia facilitadora del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, aplicados a los planes de artes en quinto año básico.
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Universidad de Concepción.
Since ancient times, music has been an important part of human life – in times,
cultures, religions and places – occupying a leading role, and even forming an
integral part of each of its manifestations, thoughts and ideas.
On the other hand, the idea is also recognized that music brings great benefits to
the health and comprehensive development of people. It is for this reason that it is
considered essential that its teaching be present from an early age, according to
Sarget Ros in his treatise “Music in early childhood education. Cognitive-musical
strategies”, affirms that music contributes to the affective, motor and cognitive
development of the child (1996, p. 198-200).
The perception that the researcher has regarding the relationship between the child
and music is that it occurs directly and indirectly. In the first case, the family
environment and the beginning of school life are undoubtedly the place where the
first musical stimuli and experiences are experienced. On the other hand, the indirect
relationship seems to occur when the individual receives a wide range of
environmental sound stimuli, especially those that come from the audiovisual media,
and in some cases, those that come from family contact with various activities. music
associated, for example, with a life linked to a religious context.
In this context and analyzing the importance of music, and the adequate stimulation
in boys and girls, is that the idea of researching in the field of memory use arises,
where the possibility is offered to students to develop better shape their musical skills
and competences, in particular auditory memory, where we intend to observe and
demonstrate the benefits of the good use of memory as a facilitating strategy for
To address this study, the research will be developed in five chapters presented as
follows: In the first chapter, called Problem Statement, those situations that,
according to the researcher, affect as a factor of problem and/or difficulty, those that
will be presented in the following way. The first of them will be the one that is directly
related to those specific situations related to the development of learning in the area
of verbal auditory, framed in the field of memory and auditory discrimination, at the
level of 1 basic cycle of the educational system. Chilean, which through musical
training can be strengthened, thus generating significant knowledge in students. All
this idea will be embodied in the research assumption, in the research questions, in
the general objective and in the specific objectives, which will guide the investigative
work. In the next chapter the theoretical framework will be reviewed, which will be
approached from the different publications that for the researcher constitute a point
of reference for the investigative work, this chapter will address the analysis of the
following topics: Memory and learning, Neuroscience and Music, Learning Theories,
specifically Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful Learning. In the chapter referring to the
methodology, the instruments and registration documents used by the monitor investigator in the collection of information will be presented. In the Results Analysis
chapter, the data presented in the previous chapter will be tabulated chronologically,
so that these results can be known and analyzed concretely. In this chapter it will be
possible to visualize the types of answers of the students, the audios used by the
monitor-researcher and the resulting graphs of the tabulation of information
obtained. Finally, in the last chapter the conclusions obtained from the work carried
out will be established, answering the research questions, and being able to validate
what is stated in the research assumption.
The investigative work concludes with the references and the annex with each of the
tools used in the information record.
Tesis para optar al Grado Académico de Licenciado en Educación.
Instrumentos Musicales, Enseñanza Aprendizaje, Neurociencias y las Artes, Psicología y Música