Estudio de limitantes urbanas asociadas al acceso a los centros de salud pública en personas con discapacidad física en la comuna de Talcahuano
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Universidad de Concepción
El presente trabajo se centró en abordar la temática de accesibilidad en torno a centros de salud pública de la comuna de Talcahuano, desde una perspectiva geográfica, tomando en cuenta los espacios urbanos discapacitantes que impiden un adecuado acceso a la población con problemas físico-motores. El enfoque metodológico de este trabajo posee elementos cualitativos y cuantitativo; el cual, abarcó la revisión bibliográfica del tema, generación de indicadores y trabajo en terreno, donde se recopiló información geográfica con la participación de agentes en situación de discapacidad física, que revisaron y evaluaron la información obtenida, la cual se procesó a través de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica.
Los resultados de la evaluación de los espacios urbanos discapacitantes de acuerdo a la metodología utilizada, demuestran, que tres de las cuatro zonas analizadas, obtienen la categoría de accesibilidad media, ubicando solamente una zona, CESFAM Paulina Avendaño con un nivel de accesibilidad mínima. Se destaca que, de todas las zonas estudiadas, la del Hospital Higueras, fue la mejor calificada.
This work focused on addressing the issue of accessibility around public health centers in the commune of Talcahuano, from a geographic perspective, taking into account the disabling urban spaces that prevent adequate access to the population with physical-motor problems. The methodological approach of this work has qualitative and quantitative elements; which included the bibliographic review of the topic, generation of indicators and field work, where geographic information was collected with the participation of agents with physical disabilities, who reviewed and evaluated the information obtained, which was processed through Geographic Information Systems. The results of the evaluation of the disabling urban spaces according to the methodology used, show that three of the four areas analyzed, obtain the category of medium accessibility, locating only one area, CESFAM Paulina Avendaño with a minimum level of accessibility. It is noted that, of all the areas studied, that of the Higueras Hospital, was the best rated.
This work focused on addressing the issue of accessibility around public health centers in the commune of Talcahuano, from a geographic perspective, taking into account the disabling urban spaces that prevent adequate access to the population with physical-motor problems. The methodological approach of this work has qualitative and quantitative elements; which included the bibliographic review of the topic, generation of indicators and field work, where geographic information was collected with the participation of agents with physical disabilities, who reviewed and evaluated the information obtained, which was processed through Geographic Information Systems. The results of the evaluation of the disabling urban spaces according to the methodology used, show that three of the four areas analyzed, obtain the category of medium accessibility, locating only one area, CESFAM Paulina Avendaño with a minimum level of accessibility. It is noted that, of all the areas studied, that of the Higueras Hospital, was the best rated.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Geógrafo
Accesibilidad a los servicios de salud, Discapacitados, Espacio urbano