Efectos del estado inflamatorio inducido por lipopolisacárido de escherichia coli o128:b12 sobre la disposición plasmática y la distribución tisular de ivermectina en ovinos.
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Universidad de Concepción.
Antecedentes actuales demuestran que la farmacocinética de antimicrobianos puede ser modificada en animales que estén cursando con un proceso inflamatorio derivado de la acción de agentes patógeno causantes de una infección. Esto se debe a alteraciones en la expresión de proteínas con función enzimática y/o transportadora, lo cual puede modificar el perfil
farmacocinético, la distribución tisular pudiendo alterar la eficacia y seguridad del antimicrobiano. La respuesta orgánica a la infección se caracteriza por una reacción sistémica conocida como respuesta de fase aguda (RFA), la que comprende un conjunto de reacciones metabólicas y fisiológicas que forman parte del sistema de defensa temprana y/o sistema inmune innato del huésped y que puede ser activado por diferentes estímulos entre los que destaca el
lipopolisacárido (LPS) de Escherichia coli. Para conocer el efecto de la administración de LPS sobre variables fisiológicas, hematológicas y bioquímicas, dos grupos de ovinos se distribuyeron en un grupo experimental (n = 5) tratado con 3 dosis intravenosas de 1 μg/kg de LPS y grupo control (n = 5) tratado con solución salina (SS) a igual volumen y frecuencia que el grupo experimental. Se monitoreó; Temperatura corporal (T°C), frecuencia cardíaca (FC) y frecuencia
respiratoria (FR). Se tomaron muestras de sangre para hemograma y determinar actividad enzimática para aspartato amino transferasa (AST) y gamma glutamil transferasa (GGT) entre 1 y 24 h post-LPS. Las ovejas tratadas con LPS presentaron valores medios de T°C (41,2 ± 0,4°C), FC (132 ± 12,3 latidos/min) y FR (107,2 ± 25 ciclos/min) superiores a los observados en ovinos controles (39,8 ± 0,2°C, 88,8 ± 8,7 latidos/min y 53,6 ± 17,1 ciclos/min respectivamente). Entre las 4 y 8 horas posterior a la inyección de LPS, el recuento de leucocitos se asoció a linfopenia, seguida de leucocitosis a las 24 horas. Estos resultados permiten caracterizar la respuesta de fase aguda inducida por LPS en ovinos, por lo que representan un modelo útil para estudiar la farmacocinética de ivermectina en respuesta a una infección.
La ivermectina (IVM) es un antiparasitario ampliamente usado en medicina veterinaria y que se aplica a un gran número de animales entre los cuales es posible encontrar aquellos que estén cursando un cuadro inflamatorio asociado a un proceso infeccioso. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del estado inflamatorio inducido por lipopolisacárido de Escherichia coli sobre la disposición plasmática de ivermectina cuando se administra por vía endovenosa, subcutánea
e intraruminal en ovinos. Para ello se realizaron tres experimentos, en cada uno de los cuales se distribuyeron dos grupos experimentales de ovejas Suffolk Down: Grupo 1 (LPS, n =5): tratado con tres dosis de LPS de 1 μg/kg a −24, −16 y −0,75 h previo a la administración de IVM; grupo 2 (Control, n =5): tratados con SS. A los 45 minutos posteriores a la tercera dosis de LPS o SS se administraron 0,2 mg de IVM/kg vía intravenosa (IV), subcutánea (SC) o intraruminal (IR) para cada uno de los experimentos. En otro grupo de 12 ovinos, los que siguieron el mismo régimen de tratamiento experimental con LPS o SS se administró IVM por vía SC y a los 2 días post-administración de IVM los animales fueron sometidos a eutanasia para la recolección de tejidos y evaluar la distribución tisular del fármaco. Las concentraciones de plasmáticas y tisulares de IVM se determinaron mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. Los parámetros farmacocinéticos fueron calculados mediante un modelo no compartimental.
En cuanto a la IVM administrada por vía IV en ovejas control, los valores de los parámetros farmacocinéticos fueron los siguientes: vida media de eliminación (2,85 días), tiempo medio de residencia (TMR) (2,27 días), área bajo la curva de concentración plasmática a través del tiempo (ABC) (117,4 ng día/mL), volumen de distribución (875,6 mL/kg) y aclaramiento (187,1 L/día).
Para IVM SC, los valores de los parámetros farmacocinéticos fueron los siguientes para ovejas sanas: vida media de eliminación (10,2 días), TMR (12,38 días), ABC (211,34 ng-día/mL). Finalmente, para IVM IR se encontraron los siguientes valores de los parámetros farmacocinéticos en ovejas sanas: vida media de eliminación (2,38 días), TMR (2,87 días), ABC (45,96 ng-día/mL). Para los parámetros farmacocinéticos estudiados no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar con los resultados obtenidos en el
grupo de ovinos tratados con LPS respecto a los observados en el grupo control.
En cuanto a las concentraciones plasmáticas de IVM, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la vía IV cuando se compararon ovinos control con ovinos tratados con LPS. En cambio, para la vía SC, se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos de ovinos a las 24 horas de administrada la IVM, siendo menores en el grupo tratado con LPS. La administración IR de IVM en ovinos tratados con LPS produjo disminución significativa de las concentraciones plasmáticas de IVM con respecto
al grupo control 12 horas post administración del fármaco. Tanto para la vía SC como para la vía IR, las diferencias fueron observadas en la fase de absorción del fármaco. Con respecto a la distribución tisular de IVM posterior a la administración por vía SC, las mayores concentraciones en ovejas sanas se observaron en la bilis (165,8 ng/mL), hígado (56,7 ng/g) y riñón (22,8 ng/g), no observándose diferencias con los ovinos tratados con LPS.
Se concluye que la RFA inducida por la administración intravenosa de LPS de E. coli en ovinos adultos, no produjo cambios en los parámetros farmacocinéticos de IVM cuando esta se administra por vía IV, SC e IR, ni en la distribución tisular de IVM cuando se administra por vía SC, por lo que su administración en dosis terapéuticas es segura en ovinos que cursen un cuadro
inflamatorio derivado de un proceso infeccioso.
Current background shows that the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials can be modified in animals that are undergoing an inflammatory process derived from the action of pathogenic agents that cause an infection. This is due to alterations in the expression of proteins with an enzymatic and/or transporter function, which can modify the pharmacokinetic profile, tissue distribution and can alter the efficacy and safety of the antimicrobial. The organic response to infection is characterized by a systemic reaction known as the acute phase response (APR), which comprises a set of metabolic and physiological reactions that are part of the early defense system and/or innate immune system of the host and that it can be activated by different stimuli, among which the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Escherichia coli stands out. In order to know the effect of LPS administration on physiological, hematological and biochemical variables, two groups of sheep were divided into an experimental group (n = 5) treated with 3 intravenous doses of 1 μg/kg of LPS and a control group (n = 5) treated with saline solution (SS) at the same volume and frequency as the experimental group. It was monitored; Body temperature (T°C), heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR). Blood samples were taken for complete blood count and to determine enzymatic activity for aspartate amino transferase (AST) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) between 1 and 24 h post-LPS. Sheep treated with LPS presented mean values of T°C (41,2 ± 0,4°C), HR (132 ± 12,3 beats/min) and RR (107,2 ± 25 cycles/min) higher than those observed in control sheep (39,8 ± 0,2°C, 88,8 ± 8,7 beats/min and 53,6 ± 17,1 cycles/min, respectively). Between 4 and 8 hours after LPS injection, the white blood cell count was associated with lymphopenia, followed by leukocytosis at 24 hours. These results allow characterizing the acute phase response induced by LPS in sheep, thus representing a useful model to study the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin in response to infection. Ivermectin (IVM) is a widely used antiparasitic in veterinary medicine and is applied to a large number of animals, among which it is possible to find those that are experiencing an inflammatory condition associated with an infectious process. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the inflammatory state induced by lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli on the plasma disposition of ivermectin when administered intravenously, subcutaneously and intraruminally in sheep. For this, three experiments were carried out, in each of which two experimental groups of Suffolk Down sheep were distributed: Group 1 (LPS, n =5): treated with three doses of LPS of 1 μg/kg at −24, −16 and −0,75 h prior to IVM administration; group 2 (Control, n=5): treated with SS. Forty-five minutes after the third dose of LPS or SS, 0,2 mg IVM/kg were administered intravenously (IV), subcutaneously (SC), or intraruminally (IR) for each of the experiments. In another group of 12 sheep, those that followed the same experimental treatment regimen with LPS or SS, IVM was administered SC and 2 days after IVM administration the animals were euthanized for tissue collection and to evaluate the distribution drug tissue. Plasma and tissue concentrations of IVM were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using a non-compartmental model. Regarding the IVM administered intravenously in control sheep, the values of the pharmacokinetic parameters were the following: elimination half-life (2,85 days), mean residence time (MRT) (2,27 days), area under plasma concentration time curve (AUC) (117,4 ng-day/mL), volume of distribution (875,6 mL/kg), and clearance (187,1 mL/day). For IVM SC, the pharmacokinetic parameter values were as follows for healthy sheep: elimination half-life (10,2 days), TMR (12,38 days), AUC (211,34 ng-day/mL). Finally, for IVM IR, the following values of the pharmacokinetic parameters were found in healthy sheep: elimination half-life (2,38 days), TMR (2,87 days), AUC (45,96 ng-day/mL). For the pharmacokinetic parameters studied, no statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the results obtained in the group of sheep treated with LPS with respect to those observed in the control group. Regarding plasma concentrations of IVM, no statistically significant differences were observed for the IV route when control sheep were compared with sheep treated with LPS. On the other hand, for the SC route, statistically significant differences were observed between both groups of sheep 24 hours after IVM administration, being lower in the group treated with LPS. IR administration of IVM in sheep treated with LPS produced a significant decrease in plasma concentrations of IVM compared to the control group 12 hours after drug administration. For both the SC route and the IR route, differences were observed in the absorption phase of the drug. Regarding the tissue distribution of IVM after SC administration, the highest concentrations in healthy sheep were observed in bile (165,8 ng/mL), liver (56,7 ng/g) and kidney (22,8 ng/g), no differences being observed with the sheep treated with LPS. It is concluded that the RFA induced by the intravenous administration of LPS from E. coli in adult sheep did not produce changes in the pharmacokinetic parameters of IVM when it is administered by IV, SC and IR routes, nor in the tissue distribution of IVM when it was administered. It is administered SC, so its administration in therapeutic doses is safe in sheep with an inflammatory condition derived from an infectious process.
Current background shows that the pharmacokinetics of antimicrobials can be modified in animals that are undergoing an inflammatory process derived from the action of pathogenic agents that cause an infection. This is due to alterations in the expression of proteins with an enzymatic and/or transporter function, which can modify the pharmacokinetic profile, tissue distribution and can alter the efficacy and safety of the antimicrobial. The organic response to infection is characterized by a systemic reaction known as the acute phase response (APR), which comprises a set of metabolic and physiological reactions that are part of the early defense system and/or innate immune system of the host and that it can be activated by different stimuli, among which the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Escherichia coli stands out. In order to know the effect of LPS administration on physiological, hematological and biochemical variables, two groups of sheep were divided into an experimental group (n = 5) treated with 3 intravenous doses of 1 μg/kg of LPS and a control group (n = 5) treated with saline solution (SS) at the same volume and frequency as the experimental group. It was monitored; Body temperature (T°C), heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR). Blood samples were taken for complete blood count and to determine enzymatic activity for aspartate amino transferase (AST) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) between 1 and 24 h post-LPS. Sheep treated with LPS presented mean values of T°C (41,2 ± 0,4°C), HR (132 ± 12,3 beats/min) and RR (107,2 ± 25 cycles/min) higher than those observed in control sheep (39,8 ± 0,2°C, 88,8 ± 8,7 beats/min and 53,6 ± 17,1 cycles/min, respectively). Between 4 and 8 hours after LPS injection, the white blood cell count was associated with lymphopenia, followed by leukocytosis at 24 hours. These results allow characterizing the acute phase response induced by LPS in sheep, thus representing a useful model to study the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin in response to infection. Ivermectin (IVM) is a widely used antiparasitic in veterinary medicine and is applied to a large number of animals, among which it is possible to find those that are experiencing an inflammatory condition associated with an infectious process. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the inflammatory state induced by lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli on the plasma disposition of ivermectin when administered intravenously, subcutaneously and intraruminally in sheep. For this, three experiments were carried out, in each of which two experimental groups of Suffolk Down sheep were distributed: Group 1 (LPS, n =5): treated with three doses of LPS of 1 μg/kg at −24, −16 and −0,75 h prior to IVM administration; group 2 (Control, n=5): treated with SS. Forty-five minutes after the third dose of LPS or SS, 0,2 mg IVM/kg were administered intravenously (IV), subcutaneously (SC), or intraruminally (IR) for each of the experiments. In another group of 12 sheep, those that followed the same experimental treatment regimen with LPS or SS, IVM was administered SC and 2 days after IVM administration the animals were euthanized for tissue collection and to evaluate the distribution drug tissue. Plasma and tissue concentrations of IVM were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using a non-compartmental model. Regarding the IVM administered intravenously in control sheep, the values of the pharmacokinetic parameters were the following: elimination half-life (2,85 days), mean residence time (MRT) (2,27 days), area under plasma concentration time curve (AUC) (117,4 ng-day/mL), volume of distribution (875,6 mL/kg), and clearance (187,1 mL/day). For IVM SC, the pharmacokinetic parameter values were as follows for healthy sheep: elimination half-life (10,2 days), TMR (12,38 days), AUC (211,34 ng-day/mL). Finally, for IVM IR, the following values of the pharmacokinetic parameters were found in healthy sheep: elimination half-life (2,38 days), TMR (2,87 days), AUC (45,96 ng-day/mL). For the pharmacokinetic parameters studied, no statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the results obtained in the group of sheep treated with LPS with respect to those observed in the control group. Regarding plasma concentrations of IVM, no statistically significant differences were observed for the IV route when control sheep were compared with sheep treated with LPS. On the other hand, for the SC route, statistically significant differences were observed between both groups of sheep 24 hours after IVM administration, being lower in the group treated with LPS. IR administration of IVM in sheep treated with LPS produced a significant decrease in plasma concentrations of IVM compared to the control group 12 hours after drug administration. For both the SC route and the IR route, differences were observed in the absorption phase of the drug. Regarding the tissue distribution of IVM after SC administration, the highest concentrations in healthy sheep were observed in bile (165,8 ng/mL), liver (56,7 ng/g) and kidney (22,8 ng/g), no differences being observed with the sheep treated with LPS. It is concluded that the RFA induced by the intravenous administration of LPS from E. coli in adult sheep did not produce changes in the pharmacokinetic parameters of IVM when it is administered by IV, SC and IR routes, nor in the tissue distribution of IVM when it was administered. It is administered SC, so its administration in therapeutic doses is safe in sheep with an inflammatory condition derived from an infectious process.
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Ciencias Veterinaria.
Ovinos, Ovejas, Enfermedades y plagas, Suffolk Down