Evaluación de las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales en carne de conejo, producida en la región de Ñuble, con diferentes métodos de cocción.
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Universidad de Concepción.
La carne de conejo entrega altos niveles de proteínas, baja cantidad de grasas
totales, pero con mayor proporción de grasas insaturadas, contiene aminoácidos
esenciales y es baja en sodio, lo que la hace adecuada para personas
hipertensas, con enfermedades cardiovasculares y aquellas con elevado
colesterol. Para poder desarrollar e incorporar la cunicultura como fuente de
nutrientes y de recursos económicos es necesario, inicialmente, conocer las
características tecnológicas de la carne de conejo y obtener información
actualizada sobre este producto, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar
y analizar las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales de carne de conejos
producidos y faenados en plantas autorizadas de la Región de Ñuble. Se evaluó
la textura, pérdidas de agua por goteo y pérdidas por cocción de la carne con
diferentes métodos térmicos, se determinó pH y color. Para la evaluación de las
características sensoriales mediante escalas hedónicas, se contó con 27
alumnos de la Universidad de Concepción en un panel de jueces no entrenados.
Al comparar el efecto de dos métodos de cocción en carne de conejo, se encontró
diferencias significativas en las características sensoriales, color y pérdida de
agua por cocción, sin embargo, no hubo diferencias significativas en las
características de textura.
Rabbit meat provides high levels of protein, low total fat, but with a higher proportion of unsaturated fats, contains essential amino acids and is low in sodium, which makes it suitable for people with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and those with high cholesterol index. In order to develop and incorporate rabbit farming as a source of nutrients and economic resources, it is necessary, initially, to know the technological characteristics of rabbit meat and to obtain updated information on this product. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of rabbit meat produced and slaughtered in authorized plants in the Ñuble Region. Texture, drip loss, cooking loss with different thermal methods, pH and colorimetry were evaluated. For the evaluation of sensory characteristics using hedonic scales, 27 students from the Universidad de Concepción were used as a panel of untrained judges. When comparing the effect of two cooking methods on rabbit meat, significant differences were found in sensory characteristics, color, and water loss by cooking, however, there were no differences in texture
Rabbit meat provides high levels of protein, low total fat, but with a higher proportion of unsaturated fats, contains essential amino acids and is low in sodium, which makes it suitable for people with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and those with high cholesterol index. In order to develop and incorporate rabbit farming as a source of nutrients and economic resources, it is necessary, initially, to know the technological characteristics of rabbit meat and to obtain updated information on this product. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of rabbit meat produced and slaughtered in authorized plants in the Ñuble Region. Texture, drip loss, cooking loss with different thermal methods, pH and colorimetry were evaluated. For the evaluation of sensory characteristics using hedonic scales, 27 students from the Universidad de Concepción were used as a panel of untrained judges. When comparing the effect of two cooking methods on rabbit meat, significant differences were found in sensory characteristics, color, and water loss by cooking, however, there were no differences in texture
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias Veterinarias con
Mención en Calidad e Inocuidad de Alimentos de Origen Animal.
Carne de conejo, Textura de los alimentos, Cunicultura