Estudio de la capacidad antibacteriana y propiedades fisicoquímicas en mieles monoflorales chilenas.
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Universidad de Concepción
A lo largo de los últimos años, la industria apícola en Chile se ha visto enriquecida por el descubrimiento de nuevas fuentes florales para la producción de miel monofloral y multifloral, especialmente en la región del Biobío y sectores aledaños. Estos nuevos hallazgos destacan principalmente por sus propiedades organolépticas, las cuales representan un interés primordial para los consumidores en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, no son las únicas características que permiten diferenciar la calidad de la miel, ya que esta posee otras propiedades, principalmente determinadas por las fuentes florales utilizadas en su elaboración, así como por la geografía y la temporada en la que fue producida.Dentro de las propiedades descritas para la miel, destaca su capacidad antibacteriana. Existen mieles reconocidas a nivel nacional por esta propiedad, como la miel de Ulmo y Quillay, y a nivel internacional, como es el caso de la miel de Manuka. Además de esto, es importante conocer los parámetros fisicoquímicos de estas nuevas mieles, ya que funcionan como indicadores clave de su calidad.En este caso, se determinó la capacidad antibacteriana de 4 mieles: 3 de ellas monoflorales (Guindo Santo, Yaqui y Tineo) y una miel multifloral. Estos resultados se compararon con los de las mieles de Ulmo y Quillay. El análisis de halos de inhibición y concentraciones mínimas inhibitorias y bactericidas en estas mieles permitió identificar que las 4 poseen actividad antibacteriana estadísticamente similar a al menos una de las dos mieles utilizadas para la comparación, tanto ante bacterias Gram positivas como Gram negativas. De estas, la miel multifloral presentó resultados estadísticamente superiores a los demostrados por las mieles de Ulmo y Quillay ante las bacterias Klebsiella pneumoniae y Staphylococcus aureus. Además de eso, se analizó su potencial actividad antioxidante a través de la determinación de sus compuestos fenólicos totales, ensayo en el cual todas las mieles resultaron similares, lo que sugiere una potencial actividad antioxidante en las mieles en estudio.Finalmente, se analizaron los parámetros fisicoquímicos de todas las mieles, evidenciando que, si bien se observan buenas prácticas apícolas, aún queda trabajo por hacer para mejorar la calidad de la miel comercializada en Chile y hacia el exterior.
Over the past years, the beekeeping industry in Chile has been enriched by the discovery of new floral sources for the production of monofloral and multifloral honey, especially in the Biobío region and surrounding areas. These new findings stand out primarily for their organoleptic properties, which are of great interest to consumers worldwide. However, these are not the only characteristics that differentiate honey's quality, as it possesses other properties mainly influenced by the floral sources used in its production, as well as the geography and season in which it was produced.One of the highlighted properties of honey is its antibacterial capacity. There are nationally recognized honeys for this property, such as Ulmo and Quillay honey, and internationally, as in the case of Manuka honey. Additionally, it is essential to know the physicochemical parameters of these new honeys, as they serve as key indicators of their quality.In this case, the antibacterial capacity of four honeys was determined: three monofloral (Guindo Santo, Yaqui, and Tineo) and one multifloral honey. These results were compared to those of Ulmo and Quillay honeys. The analysis of inhibition halos and minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations in these honeys allowed us to identify that all four honeys have statistically similar activity to at least one of the two honeys used for comparison, against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Among these, the multifloral honey showed statistically superior results compared to Ulmo and Quillay honeys against the bacteria Klebsiella neumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, their potential ntioxidant activity was analyzed by determining their total phenolic mpounds, in which all the honeys showed similar results, indicating potential antioxidant activity in the honeys under study.Finally, the physicochemical parameters of all the honeys were analyzed, revealing that while good apicultural practices are evident, there is still work to be done to improve the quality of honey marketed in Chile and abroad.
Over the past years, the beekeeping industry in Chile has been enriched by the discovery of new floral sources for the production of monofloral and multifloral honey, especially in the Biobío region and surrounding areas. These new findings stand out primarily for their organoleptic properties, which are of great interest to consumers worldwide. However, these are not the only characteristics that differentiate honey's quality, as it possesses other properties mainly influenced by the floral sources used in its production, as well as the geography and season in which it was produced.One of the highlighted properties of honey is its antibacterial capacity. There are nationally recognized honeys for this property, such as Ulmo and Quillay honey, and internationally, as in the case of Manuka honey. Additionally, it is essential to know the physicochemical parameters of these new honeys, as they serve as key indicators of their quality.In this case, the antibacterial capacity of four honeys was determined: three monofloral (Guindo Santo, Yaqui, and Tineo) and one multifloral honey. These results were compared to those of Ulmo and Quillay honeys. The analysis of inhibition halos and minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations in these honeys allowed us to identify that all four honeys have statistically similar activity to at least one of the two honeys used for comparison, against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Among these, the multifloral honey showed statistically superior results compared to Ulmo and Quillay honeys against the bacteria Klebsiella neumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, their potential ntioxidant activity was analyzed by determining their total phenolic mpounds, in which all the honeys showed similar results, indicating potential antioxidant activity in the honeys under study.Finally, the physicochemical parameters of all the honeys were analyzed, revealing that while good apicultural practices are evident, there is still work to be done to improve the quality of honey marketed in Chile and abroad.
Tesis para optar al título de Ingeniero en
Biotecnología Vegetal
Miel de abejas, Bactericidas, Apicultura, Antibacterianos