Potencial de almacenamiento de carbono en sistemas agropeduarios.
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Universidad de Concepción
La agricultura contribuye con un 14 % de las emisiones globales de gases efecto invernadero. En los suelos agrícolas se producen elevadas pérdidas de carbono, pero también pueden actuar como sumidero de C, absorbiendo hasta un 89 % de las emisiones de C y almacenando en la forma de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS). Este potencial sumidero de C puede relacionarse con factores edafoclimáticos y ser influenciado por prácticas agrícolas y pecuarias (labranza, fertilización, praderas en rotaciones de cultivo), las cuales han demostrado su potencial para promover el almacenamiento de C en los suelos. La presente revisión bibliográfica se enfoca en el potencial almacenamiento de COS, en diferentes condiciones ambientales, específicamente la producción pecuaria. La capacidad de almacenamiento COS expresa relación con el clima de forma variada según las condiciones edáficas y de uso del suelo y es favorecida por prácticas que promueven la incorporación de materia orgánica, principalmente en sistemas de labranza mínima y praderas con un uso adecuado de fertilizantes minerales. El actual estado del arte sobre la capacidad de acumulación COS en sistemas agrícolas y pecuarios de conservación, puede ser de gran importancia para la toma de decisiones en el actual escenario de cambio climático y la necesidad de promover sistemas productivos de mínima o nula emisiones.
Agriculture contributes 14 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. High carbon losses occur in agricultural soils, but they can also act as a C sink, absorbing up to 89% of C emissions and storing them in the form of soil organic carbon (SOC). This potential C sink can be related to edaphoclimatic factors and be influenced by agricultural and livestock practices (tillage, fertilization, pastures in crop rotations), which have shown their potential to promote C storage in soils. The present review focuses on the potential storage of SOC, in different environmental conditions, specifically livestock production. The SOC storage capacity expresses a relationship with the climate in a varied way depending on the edaphic conditions and land use and is favored by practices that promote the incorporation of organic matter, mainly in minimum tillage systems and grasslands with adequate use of mineral fertilizers. The current state of the art on the SOC accumulation capacity in agricultural and livestock conservation systems can be of great importance for decision-making in the current climate change scenario and the need to promote production systems with minimum or zero emissions.
Agriculture contributes 14 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. High carbon losses occur in agricultural soils, but they can also act as a C sink, absorbing up to 89% of C emissions and storing them in the form of soil organic carbon (SOC). This potential C sink can be related to edaphoclimatic factors and be influenced by agricultural and livestock practices (tillage, fertilization, pastures in crop rotations), which have shown their potential to promote C storage in soils. The present review focuses on the potential storage of SOC, in different environmental conditions, specifically livestock production. The SOC storage capacity expresses a relationship with the climate in a varied way depending on the edaphic conditions and land use and is favored by practices that promote the incorporation of organic matter, mainly in minimum tillage systems and grasslands with adequate use of mineral fertilizers. The current state of the art on the SOC accumulation capacity in agricultural and livestock conservation systems can be of great importance for decision-making in the current climate change scenario and the need to promote production systems with minimum or zero emissions.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Agrónomo.
Ciruelo Europeo, Prunus domestica L., Ingertos