Entrenamiento muscular del piso pélvico en gestantes del CESFAM Chiguayante.
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Universidad de Concepción
Introducción: La evidencia sugiere que el entrenamiento muscular del piso pélvico supervisado puede reducir el riesgo de padecer disfunciones del piso pélvico. A pesar de su alta prevalencia y su impacto negativo en la calidad de vida, el sistema de salud pública en Chile aún no cuenta con servicios especializados para atender a estas mujeres, por lo que la promoción de estas estrategias de prevención de las disfunciones debe ser incorporada en la práctica clínica. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto que genera el entrenamiento muscular del piso pélvico supervisado, en gestantes que asisten a control con matrona o matrón en CESFAM Chiguayante durante el año 2021 al 2022. Material y Método: Diseño de estudio cuasi experimental longitudinal prospectivo analítico, ensayo clínico aleatorio con simple ciego, tipo de muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo en gestantes que asisten periódicamente a consulta con matrona en CESFAM Chiguayante durante el año 2021 al 2022. Resultados: El 43,7% de las gestantes refirió presentar incontinencia de orina, el 56,4% presentaba un Oxford < 3 inicialmente, tras el entrenamiento de la musculatura del piso pélvico el 69,3% de las gestantes logró una contractibilidad > 3 según la escala de Oxford. Conclusiones: Aquellas gestantes que se encuentran bajo supervisión profesional frecuente y acompañadas de más usuarias, aumentan la contractibilidad muscular del piso pélvico, además se logra identificar la presencia de disfunciones del piso pélvico en población de mujeres jóvenes y se logra reforzar que con un equipo adecuado esto se pudiese prevenir como también rehabilitar.
Introduction: Evidence suggests that supervised pelvic floor muscle training can reduce the risk of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Despite its high prevalence and its negative impact on quality of life, the public health system still does not have specialized services to care for these women, so the promotion of these strategies to prevent dysfunctions in their absence They must be incorporated into clinical practice. Objective: To evaluate the impact generated by supervised pelvic floor muscle training in pregnant women who attend control with a midwife at CESFAM Chiguayante during the year 2021 to 2022. Material and Method: Quasi-experimental longitudinal prospective analytical study design, single-blind randomized clinical trial, type of consecutive non-probabilistic sampling in pregnant women who periodically attend consultation with a midwife at CESFAM Chiguayante during the year 2021 to 2022. Results: 43.7% of the pregnant women reported having urinary incontinence, 56.4% had an Oxford <3 initially, after training the pelvic floor muscles, 69.3% of the pregnant women achieved a contractility greater than >3 according to the Oxford scale. Conclusions: Those pregnant women who are under frequent professional supervision and accompanied by more users increase the muscular contractility of the pelvic floor, in addition it is possible to identify the presence of pelvic floor dysfunctions in the population of young women and it is possible to reinforce that with adequate equipment This could be prevented as well as rehabilitated.
Introduction: Evidence suggests that supervised pelvic floor muscle training can reduce the risk of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Despite its high prevalence and its negative impact on quality of life, the public health system still does not have specialized services to care for these women, so the promotion of these strategies to prevent dysfunctions in their absence They must be incorporated into clinical practice. Objective: To evaluate the impact generated by supervised pelvic floor muscle training in pregnant women who attend control with a midwife at CESFAM Chiguayante during the year 2021 to 2022. Material and Method: Quasi-experimental longitudinal prospective analytical study design, single-blind randomized clinical trial, type of consecutive non-probabilistic sampling in pregnant women who periodically attend consultation with a midwife at CESFAM Chiguayante during the year 2021 to 2022. Results: 43.7% of the pregnant women reported having urinary incontinence, 56.4% had an Oxford <3 initially, after training the pelvic floor muscles, 69.3% of the pregnant women achieved a contractility greater than >3 according to the Oxford scale. Conclusions: Those pregnant women who are under frequent professional supervision and accompanied by more users increase the muscular contractility of the pelvic floor, in addition it is possible to identify the presence of pelvic floor dysfunctions in the population of young women and it is possible to reinforce that with adequate equipment This could be prevented as well as rehabilitated.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magíster en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva.