Estrategias para el sistema de transporte de personal en la división El Teniente de Codelco.
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Universidad de Concepción
Este informe presenta un análisis detallado y propuestas de mejora para el sistema de transporte de personal en la División El Teniente de Codelco. Se examinan las características del modelo actual, incluyendo la oferta y demanda de servicios, la flota y sus recorridos, y se evalúan indicadores como el nivel de servicio y las emisiones de CO2. A través de un análisis FODA, se identifican fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas del sistema vigente.
Dos propuestas estratégicas se desarrollan para optimizar el transporte de personal. La primera propone la implementación de terminales satelitales en zonas estratégicas de Rancagua, lo cual mejoraría la eficiencia operativa mediante una mejor distribución de la flota y la reducción de tiempos de viaje. La segunda propuesta promueve el trabajo en la sede de Millán y el teletrabajo, lo que reduciría la demanda de transporte y las emisiones de CO2, además de ofrecer mayor flexibilidad operativa.
Los resultados del análisis indican que ambas estrategias ofrecen beneficios significativos. La implementación de terminales satelitales podría reducir el kilometraje y el tiempo de conducción, mientras que el fomento del teletrabajo y el trabajo en la sede de Millán proporcionaría ahorros en kilómetros recorridos, flota utilizada y emisiones de CO2. Se concluye que ambas propuestas no solo optimizan la operación, sino que también se alinean con los objetivos estratégicos de Codelco en términos de sostenibilidad y liderazgo en la industria minera. Además, se sugiere realizar estudios adicionales para evaluar la viabilidad económica y el impacto organizacional de estas estrategias.
This report presents a detailed analysis and improvement proposals for the personnel transportation system at Codelco's El Teniente Division. It examines the characteristics of the current model, including the supply and demand of services, fleet and routes, and evaluates indicators such as service level and CO2 emissions. A SWOT analysis identifies strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of the existing system. Two strategic proposals are developed to optimize personnel transportation. The first proposes the implementation of satellite terminals in strategic areas of Rancagua, which would improve operational efficiency through better fleet distribution and reduced travel times. The second proposal promotes work at the Millán site and telecommuting, which would reduce transportation demand and CO2 emissions, as well as offer greater operational flexibility. The results of the analysis indicate that both strategies offer significant benefits. The implementation of satellite terminals could reduce mileage and driving time, while the promotion of teleworking and working at Millán's headquarters would provide savings in kilometers traveled, fleet used and CO2 emissions. It is concluded that both proposals not only optimize the operation, but also align with Codelco's strategic objectives in terms of sustainability and leadership in the mining industry. Furthermore, additional studies are suggested to evaluate the economic viability and organizational impact of these strategies.
This report presents a detailed analysis and improvement proposals for the personnel transportation system at Codelco's El Teniente Division. It examines the characteristics of the current model, including the supply and demand of services, fleet and routes, and evaluates indicators such as service level and CO2 emissions. A SWOT analysis identifies strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats of the existing system. Two strategic proposals are developed to optimize personnel transportation. The first proposes the implementation of satellite terminals in strategic areas of Rancagua, which would improve operational efficiency through better fleet distribution and reduced travel times. The second proposal promotes work at the Millán site and telecommuting, which would reduce transportation demand and CO2 emissions, as well as offer greater operational flexibility. The results of the analysis indicate that both strategies offer significant benefits. The implementation of satellite terminals could reduce mileage and driving time, while the promotion of teleworking and working at Millán's headquarters would provide savings in kilometers traveled, fleet used and CO2 emissions. It is concluded that both proposals not only optimize the operation, but also align with Codelco's strategic objectives in terms of sustainability and leadership in the mining industry. Furthermore, additional studies are suggested to evaluate the economic viability and organizational impact of these strategies.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Industrial
Cobre Chile, Minas de cobre Chile Mina El Teniente, Transporte