Mediación metacognitiva de las interacciones entre lectura y escritura.
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Universidad de Concepción
La lectura y la escritura son actividades fundamentales para la participación en la sociedad. Estas habilidades cobran especial relevancia cuando se trata de la inserción a círculos discursivos especializados, lo que es parte central de la formación universitaria. Existe abundante literatura sobre el proceso de comprensión lectora y producción escrita y sus interacciones, distinguiendo estadios de desarrollo iniciales y avanzados. En esta distinción, se identifica la metacognición como componente esencial de los procesos más avanzados y estratégicos, y la precisión metacognitiva como un factor fundamental para la efectividad de los procesos regulatorios que los componen. A través de un diseño transeccional, la presente investigación buscó, por una parte, determinar dimensiones de complejidad escrita con sustento teórico a partir de los índices de TRUNAJOD para las tareas de escritura académica de estudiantes de primer año de una universidad privada no selectiva y, por otra, determinar el potencial mediador de la precisión metacognitiva en la predicción de las habilidades de lectura desde las habilidades de escritura para estos estudiantes. Se recolectaron medidas de comprensión lectora, producción escrita y precisión metacognitiva de la lectura en 102 estudiantes de Arica a Puerto Montt. Los resultados muestran que es posible explicar significativamente un 52,3% de la varianza en la complejidad escrita a través de 4 dimensiones de índices TRUNAJOD: riqueza léxica, complejidad sintáctica, estructura informativa, y discurso especializado. Por otra parte, se demostró que aspectos superficiales de la producción escrita, potenciados por la precisión metacognitiva, predicen significativamente la comprensión lectora. Estos hallazgos confirman la teoría existente sobre las relaciones entre lectura y escritura, añadiendo el poder mediador de la precisión metacognitiva en esta relación.
Reading and writing are fundamental activities for participation in society. These skills become especially relevant when it comes to insertion into specialized discursive circles, which is a central part of university education. There is abundant literature on the process of reading comprehension and written production and their interactions, distinguishing initial and advanced stages of development. In this distinction, metacognition is identified as an essential component of the most advanced and strategic processes, and metacognitive accuracy as a fundamental factor for the effectiveness of the regulatory processes that compose them. Through a cross-sectional design, the present research sought, on the one hand, to determine dimensions of written complexity with theoretical support from the TRUNAJOD indexes for the academic writing tasks of first-year students of a non-selective private university and, on the other hand, to determine the mediating potential of metacognitive accuracy in the prediction of reading skills from writing skills. Results of reading comprehension, written production and metacomprehension accuracy were collected in 102 students from Arica to Puerto Montt. Results show that it is possible to significantly explain 52.3% of the variance in written complexity through 4 dimensions of TRUNAJOD indices: lexical richness, syntactic complexity, information structure, and specialized discourse. Additionally, results show that superficial aspects of written production, mediated by metacognitive accuracy, significantly predict reading comprehension. These findings confirm the existing theory on the relationships between reading and writing, adding the mediating power of metacognitive accuracy in this relationship.
Reading and writing are fundamental activities for participation in society. These skills become especially relevant when it comes to insertion into specialized discursive circles, which is a central part of university education. There is abundant literature on the process of reading comprehension and written production and their interactions, distinguishing initial and advanced stages of development. In this distinction, metacognition is identified as an essential component of the most advanced and strategic processes, and metacognitive accuracy as a fundamental factor for the effectiveness of the regulatory processes that compose them. Through a cross-sectional design, the present research sought, on the one hand, to determine dimensions of written complexity with theoretical support from the TRUNAJOD indexes for the academic writing tasks of first-year students of a non-selective private university and, on the other hand, to determine the mediating potential of metacognitive accuracy in the prediction of reading skills from writing skills. Results of reading comprehension, written production and metacomprehension accuracy were collected in 102 students from Arica to Puerto Montt. Results show that it is possible to significantly explain 52.3% of the variance in written complexity through 4 dimensions of TRUNAJOD indices: lexical richness, syntactic complexity, information structure, and specialized discourse. Additionally, results show that superficial aspects of written production, mediated by metacognitive accuracy, significantly predict reading comprehension. These findings confirm the existing theory on the relationships between reading and writing, adding the mediating power of metacognitive accuracy in this relationship.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Doctor en Lingüística.