Revisión Bibliográfica orientada a las estrategias metodológicas para el aprendizaje de estudiantes con trastorno del espectro austista incluidas en el aula regular
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Universidad de Concepción
Los estudiantes con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) experimentan segregación tanto dentro de la sala de clases como en el entorno escolar, principalmente debido a la falta de conocimiento por parte de la mayoría de sus compañeros sobre las características de su trastorno. También se ha observado que no se logra una auténtica inclusión por parte de los docentes que imparten clases en el aula regular, esto se debe a la insuficiente preparación que reciben para abordar esta condición, dejándolos sin las herramientas necesarias para interactuar de manera efectiva y lograr una real inclusión de sus estudiantes. Para abordar la problemática descrita se realizó una revisión bibliográfica orientada a examinar e identificar las distintas estrategias metodológicas utilizadas por los docentes al trabajar con estudiantes que presentan trastorno del espectro autista en el entorno escolar, esta revisión se llevó a cabo mediante la búsqueda en diversas bases de datos, tales como, Buscador Base, Google Académico, Redalyc, repositorios de universidades nacionales y extranjeras. La finalidad de esta investigación consistió en examinar e
identificar estrategias metodológicas para la realización de intervenciones educativas en
estudiantes con TEA a nivel hispanoamericano. Es por ello que se propone una revisión bibliográfica tipo tres, identificándose métodos para el abordaje de estudiantes con TEA, tales como: DENVER, PECS, SCERTS, SAAC, TEACCH y ABA. Entre los resultados se observa que los métodos más utilizados en Chile y España fueron ABA y TEACCH, ambos con una orientación epistemológica conductista que le permite al profesorado manejar contingencias o estímulos presentes, como el manejo de la conducta adaptativa.
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience segregation both within the classroom and the school environment, primarily due to the lack of knowledge among the majority of their peers about the characteristics of their disorder. It has also been observed that authentic inclusion is not achieved by teachers in regular classrooms, mainly because of their insufficient preparation to address this condition, leaving them without the necessary tools to interact effectively and achieve real inclusion of their students. To address the described issues, a literature review was conducted to examine and identify different methodological strategies used by teachers when working with students with autism spectrum disorder in the school environment. This review was carried out by searching various database, such as Base Search, Google Scholar, Redalyc, university repositories of national and foreign universities. The purpose of this research was to examine and identify methodological strategies for educational interventions with students with ASD in the Hispanic American context. Therefore, a type three literature review is proposed, identifying methods for addressing students with ASD, such as DENVER, PECS, SCERTS, SAAC, TEACCH, and ABA. Among the results, it is observed that most used methods in Chile and Spain were ABA and TEACCH, both with a behavioral epistemological orientation that allows teachers to manage contingencies or present stimuli, such as the management of adaptative behavior
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience segregation both within the classroom and the school environment, primarily due to the lack of knowledge among the majority of their peers about the characteristics of their disorder. It has also been observed that authentic inclusion is not achieved by teachers in regular classrooms, mainly because of their insufficient preparation to address this condition, leaving them without the necessary tools to interact effectively and achieve real inclusion of their students. To address the described issues, a literature review was conducted to examine and identify different methodological strategies used by teachers when working with students with autism spectrum disorder in the school environment. This review was carried out by searching various database, such as Base Search, Google Scholar, Redalyc, university repositories of national and foreign universities. The purpose of this research was to examine and identify methodological strategies for educational interventions with students with ASD in the Hispanic American context. Therefore, a type three literature review is proposed, identifying methods for addressing students with ASD, such as DENVER, PECS, SCERTS, SAAC, TEACCH, and ABA. Among the results, it is observed that most used methods in Chile and Spain were ABA and TEACCH, both with a behavioral epistemological orientation that allows teachers to manage contingencies or present stimuli, such as the management of adaptative behavior
Tesis para optar al título de profesora de Educación Diferencial