Determinación de zonas de idoneidad bioclimática de plantago lanceolata l. entre las Regiones de Maule, Ñuble y Biobío, para establecer potenciales áreas de pastoreo.
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Universidad de Concepción
Plantago lanceolata es una especie forrajera que presenta una tolerancia moderada al déficit hídrico, lo que aumenta la producción de forraje en el periodo estival, presentando una alta plasticidad bioclimática que le permite adaptarse a diferentes tipos de hábitat, por estos motivos se ha estudiado como una especie eficiente en el uso del agua. Una alternativa para determinar los lugares de cultivo de la especie es identificar las áreas de mayor idoneidad bioclimática. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue estimar las zonas de mayor idoneidad bioclimática para la incorporación de cultivares forrajeros de plantago en las actuales praderas permanentes de la Región del Maule, Región del Ñuble y Región del Biobío. Para ello se obtuvieron 71 datos de presencia de plantago silvestre y 19 variables bioclimáticas que se utilizaron para determinar el área de idoneidad empleando el modelo predictivo MaxEnt. El área de mayor idoneidad correspondió a las planicies litorales destacando el intervalo de temperatura medio diurno como el predictor clave en el modelo. Dentro del territorio estudiado la comuna de Cobquecura se destacó por presentar el mayor potencial para la incorporación de plantago al presentar las variables climáticas más idóneas dentro del territorio y el mayor número de praderas permanentes dentro del área de mayor idoneidad.
Plantago lanceolata is a forage species that presents moderate tolerance to water deficiency. This increases forage production in the summer period, displaying a high bioclimatic plasticity that allows it to adapt to different types of habitats. For these reasons, it has been studied as an efficient species regarding the use of water. An alternative to determine the cultivation places of the species is to identify the areas of greatest bioclimatic suitability. This research aimed to determine the areas of greatest bioclimatic suitability for the incorporation of forage plantago cultivars in permanent grasslands of the Maule Region, Ñub le Region and Biobío Region. For this, 71 data on the presence of wild plantago and 19 bioclimatic variables were obtained and used to determine the suitability of the area using the predictive model MaxEnt. The area of greatest suitability corresponded to the coastal plains, being the average diurnal temperature range as the key predictor in the model. Within the territory studied, the commune of Cobquecura stood out for presenting the greatest potential for the incorporation of plantago as it presented the most suitable climatic variables within the territory and the greatest number of permanent grasslands within the most suitable area.
Plantago lanceolata is a forage species that presents moderate tolerance to water deficiency. This increases forage production in the summer period, displaying a high bioclimatic plasticity that allows it to adapt to different types of habitats. For these reasons, it has been studied as an efficient species regarding the use of water. An alternative to determine the cultivation places of the species is to identify the areas of greatest bioclimatic suitability. This research aimed to determine the areas of greatest bioclimatic suitability for the incorporation of forage plantago cultivars in permanent grasslands of the Maule Region, Ñub le Region and Biobío Region. For this, 71 data on the presence of wild plantago and 19 bioclimatic variables were obtained and used to determine the suitability of the area using the predictive model MaxEnt. The area of greatest suitability corresponded to the coastal plains, being the average diurnal temperature range as the key predictor in the model. Within the territory studied, the commune of Cobquecura stood out for presenting the greatest potential for the incorporation of plantago as it presented the most suitable climatic variables within the territory and the greatest number of permanent grasslands within the most suitable area.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Agrónomo
Distritos de pastoreo, Uso de la tierra, Bioclimatología Chile