Efecto de bacterias lácticas para mejorar el sistema inmunológico en abejas (apis mellifera) y reducir la carga del virus de las alas deformadas (DWV).
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Universidad de Concepción
Apis mellifera L. se caracteriza por la producción de miel y su uso en la polinización de diversas plantas. Actualmente, se ven afectadas por factores bióticos y abióticos, lo cual puede provocar altas tasas de mortalidad, que en parte son atribuibles a patógenos propios de la especie, como el virus de las alas deformadas (DWV). En la actualidad, solo existen alternativas que se enfocan en el control del vector, el ácaro Varroa destructor. Así surge la opción del estudio de la microbiota intestinal de A. mellifera, evaluando el efecto de un consorcio probiótico, formado por 6 bacterias, reproducidas y ajustadas en condiciones controladas, y suministradas por ingesta ad libitum en A. mellifera, para evaluar actividad antiviral frente a DWV-A, efecto en el sistema inmune y sobrevivencia. Se aplicaron concentraciones de 60.000, 6.000 y 600 UFC abeja-1, donde la concentración más elevada, logró reducir significativamente la carga del DWV-A en abejas inoculadas con el virus. Asimismo, se determinó la actividad antiviral de las cepas 5,5 y 20,4. Se observó un aumento de la respuesta inmune, relacionada con la sobreexpresión de los genes codificantes para los péptidos antimicrobianos abaecina y defensina, lo cual fue concordante con el aumento de la sobrevivencia de A. mellifera. Estos resultados dejan en evidencia el uso potencial de probióticos en A. mellifera.
Apis mellifera L. is characterized by the production of honey and its use in the pollination of various plants. Currently, they are affected by biotic and abiotic factors, which can cause high mortality rates, which are in part attributable to pathogens specific to the species, such as deformed wing virus (DWV). Currently, there are only alternatives that focus on the control of the vector, the Varroa destructor mite. Thus, the option arises of studying the intestinal microbiota of A. mellifera, evaluating the effect of a probiotic consortium, formed by 6 bacteria, reproduced and adjusted under controlled conditions, and supplied by ad libitum intake in A. mellifera, to evaluate antiviral activity. against DWV-A, effect on the immune system and survival. Concentrations of 60,000, 6,000 and 600 CFU bee-1 were applied, where the highest concentration managed to significantly reduce the load of DWV-A in bees inoculated with the virus. Likewise, the antiviral activity of strains 5.5 and 20.4 was determined. In addition, an increase in the immune response was observed, related to the overexpression of the genes encoding the antimicrobial proteins Relish and Dorsal, which was consistent with the increase in the survival of A. mellifera. These results demonstrate the potential use of probiotics in A. mellifera.
Apis mellifera L. is characterized by the production of honey and its use in the pollination of various plants. Currently, they are affected by biotic and abiotic factors, which can cause high mortality rates, which are in part attributable to pathogens specific to the species, such as deformed wing virus (DWV). Currently, there are only alternatives that focus on the control of the vector, the Varroa destructor mite. Thus, the option arises of studying the intestinal microbiota of A. mellifera, evaluating the effect of a probiotic consortium, formed by 6 bacteria, reproduced and adjusted under controlled conditions, and supplied by ad libitum intake in A. mellifera, to evaluate antiviral activity. against DWV-A, effect on the immune system and survival. Concentrations of 60,000, 6,000 and 600 CFU bee-1 were applied, where the highest concentration managed to significantly reduce the load of DWV-A in bees inoculated with the virus. Likewise, the antiviral activity of strains 5.5 and 20.4 was determined. In addition, an increase in the immune response was observed, related to the overexpression of the genes encoding the antimicrobial proteins Relish and Dorsal, which was consistent with the increase in the survival of A. mellifera. These results demonstrate the potential use of probiotics in A. mellifera.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Agrónomo
bacterias del ácido láctico, Sistema inmunológico, Abeja melífera