Plan de autoprotección contra incendios forestales de pequeños y medianos propietarios en la microcuenca Raqui Alto, comuna de Arauco.
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Universidad de Concepción
El continuo aumento en la ocurrencia y expansión de los incendios forestales se explica por condiciones climáticas, especialmente sequías prolongadas. Estas condiciones han aumentado la sequedad del combustible, junto con el aumento en su carga. Muchos de los incendios que afectan a nuestro país tienen características catastróficas, siendo muy difíciles de controlar y con graves consecuencias para la población, por lo que se denominan megaincendios. La ocurrencia de incendios catastróficos en la comuna de Arauco, Región del Biobío motivó el presente trabajo, cuyo objetivo principal es estudiar los riesgos a escala de microcuenca y proponer prácticas de prevención de incendios forestales. De igual forma se desarrollaron pilotos, con la colaboración de la Corporación Nacional Forestal y agricultores, en que se proponen prácticas preventivas para la defensa de casas y a nivel predial. Los análisis de las encuestas aplicadas informan que los agricultores tienen una alta percepción de riesgo y considera que las medidas de defensa de casas son adecuadas; sin embargo, las medidas de silvicultura preventiva en plantaciones forestales son insuficientes. Los principales problemas son falta de recursos, para ejecutar medidas de prevención de incendios forestales.
The continuous increase in the occurrence and spread of forest fires is explained by climatic conditions, especially extended droughts. These conditions have increased the dryness of the fuel, along with the increase in its charge. Many of the fires affecting our country have catastrophic characteristics, being very difficult to control and with serious consequences for the population, which is why they are called mega-fires. The occurrence of catastrophic fires in the community of Arauco, Biobío Region, motivated the present work, whose main objective is to study the risks at the micro-watershed scale and to propose forest fire prevention practices. Pilots were also developed, with the collaboration of the National Forestry Corporation (Chilean Forest Service) and farmers, in which preventive practices were proposed for the protection of houses and at the farm level. Analyses of the applied surveys report that farmers have a high-risk perception and consider house protection measures to be adequate; however, preventive forestry measures in forest plantations are insufficient. The main problems are lack of resources to implement forest fire prevention measures.
The continuous increase in the occurrence and spread of forest fires is explained by climatic conditions, especially extended droughts. These conditions have increased the dryness of the fuel, along with the increase in its charge. Many of the fires affecting our country have catastrophic characteristics, being very difficult to control and with serious consequences for the population, which is why they are called mega-fires. The occurrence of catastrophic fires in the community of Arauco, Biobío Region, motivated the present work, whose main objective is to study the risks at the micro-watershed scale and to propose forest fire prevention practices. Pilots were also developed, with the collaboration of the National Forestry Corporation (Chilean Forest Service) and farmers, in which preventive practices were proposed for the protection of houses and at the farm level. Analyses of the applied surveys report that farmers have a high-risk perception and consider house protection measures to be adequate; however, preventive forestry measures in forest plantations are insufficient. The main problems are lack of resources to implement forest fire prevention measures.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Forestal
Incendios forestales Chile, Cambios climáticos, Arauco (Bio Bio Chile : Comuna)