Estimación del stock de carbono aereo y de suelo en plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don creciendo en arenas volcanicas en la Región del Bio-Bío.
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Universidad de Concepción
Este trabajo evaluó el almacenamiento de carbono (C) en un gradiente de productividad de plantaciones de Pinus radiata en edad de cosecha en suelos de arenas volcánicas pertenecientes a la empresa Forestal Mininco S.A. en la Región del Biobío. La recolección de datos consideró las propiedades del suelo forestal, y el análisis de los niveles de carbono almacenado en diferentes componentes del suelo mineral, la hojarasca, el piso forestal y la biomasa aérea. Se observó que la concentración más alta de carbono se sitúa en la capa superficial del suelo (0-20 cm). Seguida por la capa intermedia (20-40 cm) y la capa más profunda (40-100 cm).
Para el carbono en el suelo destacó la fuerte correlación positiva (R2 = 0.98) entre el volumen de precosecha y el contenido de carbono en la biomasa total. Una correlación débil (R2 = 0.13) fue observada entre el volumen de precosecha y el carbono en el piso forestal, sugiriendo que otros factores, además de la productividad en volumen, son cruciales para el almacenamiento de carbono en el suelo orgánico. La fuerte correlación encontrada entre el carbono total y el volumen de precosecha, con un R2 = 0.97, indica que a medida que incrementa el volumen también lo hace el carbono total proporcionalmente.
This research evaluated carbon (C) storage within Pinus radiata plantations situated on volcanic sand soils owned by Forestal Mininco S.A. in the Biobío Region, Chile. The study involved comprehensive data collection, focusing on various variables such as forest soil properties, and analyzing carbon levels stored in different components, including mineral soil, litter (forest floor), and aerial biomass. Results revealed that the highest concentration of carbon was predominantly situated in the top layer of the soil (0-20 cm), followed by the middle layer (20-40 cm), and the deepest layer (40-100 cm). For soil carbon, the strong positive correlation (R2 = 0.98) between pre-harvest volume and carbon content in total biomass was noteworthy. A weak correlation (R2 = 0.13) was observed between pre-harvest volume and forest floor carbon, suggesting that factors other than volume productivity are crucial for organic soil carbon storage. The strong correlation found between total carbon and pre-harvest volume, with an R2 = 0.97, indicates that as volume increases so does total carbon proportionally.
This research evaluated carbon (C) storage within Pinus radiata plantations situated on volcanic sand soils owned by Forestal Mininco S.A. in the Biobío Region, Chile. The study involved comprehensive data collection, focusing on various variables such as forest soil properties, and analyzing carbon levels stored in different components, including mineral soil, litter (forest floor), and aerial biomass. Results revealed that the highest concentration of carbon was predominantly situated in the top layer of the soil (0-20 cm), followed by the middle layer (20-40 cm), and the deepest layer (40-100 cm). For soil carbon, the strong positive correlation (R2 = 0.98) between pre-harvest volume and carbon content in total biomass was noteworthy. A weak correlation (R2 = 0.13) was observed between pre-harvest volume and forest floor carbon, suggesting that factors other than volume productivity are crucial for organic soil carbon storage. The strong correlation found between total carbon and pre-harvest volume, with an R2 = 0.97, indicates that as volume increases so does total carbon proportionally.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Forestal
Torsión, Topología de variedades en dimensión cuatro, Campos gravitacionales