Evaluación de un sistema fotodepurador de capa fina para la laguna urbana Las Tres Pascualas, región del Biobío.
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Universidad de Concepción
La eutrofización es un problema ambiental causado por el exceso de nutrientes en cuerpos de agua, esto conlleva a una disminución de la calidad del agua, amenazando a la diversidad acuática y los sectores aledaños. Una potencial solución para depurar lagos eutrofizados son los sistemas fotodepuradores de capa fina. En este estudio se evaluó la calidad de la luz sobre el sistema de capa fina como estimulador del proceso fotosintético
en una comunidad de microalgas de la laguna Tres Pascualas con el propósito de retornar el efluente mejorado al sistema lacustre desprovistos de nutrientes y la generación de una biomasa resultante de valor agregado para su uso biotecnológico. En una primera etapa se determinó la calidad de luz que permite obtener una alta actividad fotosintética y la tasa de consumo de nutrientes. Los resultados indican que la máxima capacidad fotosintética muestra una correlación positiva a las calidades de luz azul y roja al día del agotamiento de los nutrientes (cosecha día 10). La producción máxima de transporte de electrones (ETRmax), la disipación energética y la disipación no fotoquímica (NPQmax) poseen un comportamiento variable durante el tiempo (del día 2 al 6), siendo el máximo valor para luz azul y roja comparada con la luz blanca. La cantidad de proteínas totales incremento
significativamente en presencia de luz blanca y azul, mientras que los lípidos totales alcanzaron valores máximos para el tratamiento con luz blanca. En una segunda etapa, la comunidad microalgal alcanzó una productividad de biomasa de 2,56 mg L-1 d-1 en el fotobiorreactor de capa fina. La actividad fotosintética fue estimada de forma in situ usando la fluorescencia de la clorofila a, la cual muestra una buena correlación con la concentración de clorofila y el consumo de nutrientes (nitrato, fosfato y amonio) siendo absorbidos por completo al día de la cosecha (día 13). El contenido de proteínas totales por biomasa seca alcanzó 23.2% siendo superior 8.9 veces al tratamiento de luz azul y blanca a escala de laboratorio. La bioconversión de los nutrientes en biomasa microalgal mediante un fotodepurador de capa fina se sugiere su uso tecnológico para depurar la laguna Las Tres Pascualas.
Eutrophication is an environmental problem caused by excess nutrients in water bodies; this leads to a decrease in water quality, which leads to a decrease in water quality affecting the aquatic diversity and health sectors. A potential solution to reduce eutrophic lakes is thinlayer photobioreactor systems. In this study, the quality of light on the system was evaluated as a stimulator of the photosynthetic process in a community of microalgae from the Tres Pascualas lagoon with the purpose of return to the lagoon with less nutrient concentration and the generation of microalgae biomass for biotechnological use. In the first stage, the quality of light that allows for obtaining high photosynthetic activity and the rate of nutrient consumption was determined. The results indicate that the máximum photosynthetic capacity shows a positive correlation to the blue and red light on the day of complete depletion of nutrients (harvest day 10). The maximum electron transport production (ETRmax) and energy dissipation, non-photochemical dissipation (NPQmax) have a variable behavior over time (from day 2 to 6), with the maximum value for blue and red light compared to white light. The amount of total proteins increased significantly in white and blue light, while total lipids reached maximum values for the white light treatment. In a second stage, the microalgal community reached a biomass production of 2.56 56mg L-1 d-1 in the thin layer photobioreactor. Photosynthetic activity was est imated in situ using chlorophyll with between, fluorescence, which shows a good correlation with chlorophyll concentration and asimilation of nitrate, phosphate, and ammonium, these being completely entirelywholly consumed on the day of harvest (day 13). The total protein content per dry biomass reached 23.2%, 8.9 times higher than the blue and white light treatment on a laboratory scale. The bioconversion of nutrients into microalgal biomass using a thin-layer photobioreactoris suggested for technological use to clean the Tres Pascualas lagoon.
Eutrophication is an environmental problem caused by excess nutrients in water bodies; this leads to a decrease in water quality, which leads to a decrease in water quality affecting the aquatic diversity and health sectors. A potential solution to reduce eutrophic lakes is thinlayer photobioreactor systems. In this study, the quality of light on the system was evaluated as a stimulator of the photosynthetic process in a community of microalgae from the Tres Pascualas lagoon with the purpose of return to the lagoon with less nutrient concentration and the generation of microalgae biomass for biotechnological use. In the first stage, the quality of light that allows for obtaining high photosynthetic activity and the rate of nutrient consumption was determined. The results indicate that the máximum photosynthetic capacity shows a positive correlation to the blue and red light on the day of complete depletion of nutrients (harvest day 10). The maximum electron transport production (ETRmax) and energy dissipation, non-photochemical dissipation (NPQmax) have a variable behavior over time (from day 2 to 6), with the maximum value for blue and red light compared to white light. The amount of total proteins increased significantly in white and blue light, while total lipids reached maximum values for the white light treatment. In a second stage, the microalgal community reached a biomass production of 2.56 56mg L-1 d-1 in the thin layer photobioreactor. Photosynthetic activity was est imated in situ using chlorophyll with between, fluorescence, which shows a good correlation with chlorophyll concentration and asimilation of nitrate, phosphate, and ammonium, these being completely entirelywholly consumed on the day of harvest (day 13). The total protein content per dry biomass reached 23.2%, 8.9 times higher than the blue and white light treatment on a laboratory scale. The bioconversion of nutrients into microalgal biomass using a thin-layer photobioreactoris suggested for technological use to clean the Tres Pascualas lagoon.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Bióloga Marina
Eutrofización, Calidad del agua, Biodiversidad, Lagunas, Biomasa