Modelación de humedad en cuencas andinas.
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Universidad de Concepción
El presente estudio, considera la evaluación de dos modelos hidrológicos, con el fin de determinar la variación temporal del contenido de humedad del suelo, en zonas de la alta cordillera de los andes, en la región de Ñuble, Chile. En dicho estudio, se dispuso de una red de instrumentación meteorológica y sensores de humedad a diferentes profundidades, estas fueron de 20, 40, 60 y 80 cm. respectivamente. Cada uno de los modelos está definido de manera diferente y por tanto es importante aclarar que uno de los modelos tiene su base en el fundamento empírico (Brocca, 2005), y el otro modelo, por su parte se fundamenta en conceptos físicos (Lahuate, 2013).
El modelo empírico entrega resultados más cercanos a la realidad observada en terreno según los sensores instalados y el modelo físico reaccionó bien para ciertos procesos como la desorción y reacción a eventos de precipitación, dichos resultados contrastan con lo esperado, en donde se esperaba obtener mejores aproximaciones del modelo físico, como muestra Lahuate (2013), dicha contradicción se explica por la condición de histéresis del agua en el suelo, además el modelo empírico esta calibrado a la zona y el físico no, así pues se esperarían mejores resultados para este modelo con una calibración previa y un mayor control de cada una de la variables.
The present study considers the evaluation of two hydrological models, with the purpose of determining the temporal variation of the moisture content of the soil, in zones of the high mountain range of the Andes, in the Ñuble region, Chile. In this study, a meteorological instrumentation network and humidity sensors were available at different depths, these were 20, 40, 60 and 80 cm. respectively. Each of the models is defined differently and it is therefore important to clarify that one of the models is based on the empirical foundation (Brocca, 2005), and the other model, on the other hand, is based on physical concepts (Lahuate, 2013). The empirical model delivers results closer to the reality observed in the field according to the installed sensors and the physical model reacted well for certain processes such as desorption and reaction to precipitation events, these results contrast with what was expected, where better approximations were expected. of the physical model, as shown by Lahuate (2013), this contradiction is explained by the hystericity of water in the soil, and on the other hand, because the empirical model is calibrated to the area and the physical one is not, so we would expect better results for this model with a previous calibration and a greater control of each one of the variables.
The present study considers the evaluation of two hydrological models, with the purpose of determining the temporal variation of the moisture content of the soil, in zones of the high mountain range of the Andes, in the Ñuble region, Chile. In this study, a meteorological instrumentation network and humidity sensors were available at different depths, these were 20, 40, 60 and 80 cm. respectively. Each of the models is defined differently and it is therefore important to clarify that one of the models is based on the empirical foundation (Brocca, 2005), and the other model, on the other hand, is based on physical concepts (Lahuate, 2013). The empirical model delivers results closer to the reality observed in the field according to the installed sensors and the physical model reacted well for certain processes such as desorption and reaction to precipitation events, these results contrast with what was expected, where better approximations were expected. of the physical model, as shown by Lahuate (2013), this contradiction is explained by the hystericity of water in the soil, and on the other hand, because the empirical model is calibrated to the area and the physical one is not, so we would expect better results for this model with a previous calibration and a greater control of each one of the variables.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Agrícola
Histéresis, Estaciones meteorológicas, Acción por el Clima, Humedad de los suelos