Evaluación de la potencial presencia de microplásticos en fecas de Lontra felina (Molina, 1782) en Chome, región del Biobío, Chile.
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Universidad de Concepción
Los microplásticos (MP) son partículas contaminantes menores de 5 mm que se presentan en diversas formas y se han reportado en todo el mundo en distintos ambientes y organismos. Parte del impacto ambiental que causan es la ingesta y acumulación de estos (y sus contaminantes) en animales, siendo el estudio de fecas una forma de investigar MP en mamíferos. Lontra felina, nutria marina endémica de Perú y Chile en peligro de extinción, presenta reportes de MP en muestras fecales (Perú) y en especies presa, sin existir conocimientos para Chile. Considerando los antecedentes se plantea como hipótesis la presencia de MP en fecas de Lontra felina. El área de estudio considero tres sitios cercanos a Caleta Chome (Península de Hualpén, región del Biobío) donde se muestrearon un total de 27 fecas de nutria marina. La mitad de cada muestra fue digerida con Hidróxido de Potasio (KOH) al 10% masa/volumen (m/v) utilizando 20 ml g-1 peso seco durante 48 horas a 60°C. La observación se realizó bajo estereoscopio extrayendo potenciales microplásticos (p-MP) con pinzas de acero inoxidable, posteriormente se analizó la composición mediante micro espectroscopía infrarroja transformada de Fourier (µFTIR). Fecas de L. felina sólo presentaron fibras, con los colores negro y azul como los más abundantes y celulosa como el material que las compone, por lo que, se rechaza la hipótesis. La presencia de celulosa y ausencia de MP puede ser explicado mediante las condiciones oceanográficas de la zona de estudio además del tipo de dieta que lleva L. felina. Investigaciones similares en otros mamíferos demuestran resultados acordes, siendo las fibras de celulosa el material más abundante o incluso el único. Se discuten las limitaciones de metodología, técnicas usadas y falta de estandarización en protocolos para resaltar la necesidad de generar conocimiento respecto a la abundancia, distribución, interacciones y posibles efectos en organismos por parte de contaminantes como MP y fibras.
Microplastics (MP) are pollutant particles smaller than 5 mm that occur in various forms and have been reported worldwide in different environments and organisms. Part of the environmental impact they cause is the ingestion and accumulation of these (and their pollutants) in animals, with the study of feces being a way to investigate MP in mammals. Lontra felina, a sea otter endemic to Perú and Chile in danger of extinction, presents reports of MP in fecal samples (Perú) and prey species, without any knowledge for Chile. Considering the antecedents, the presence of MP in feces of L. felina is hypothesized. The study area considered three sites near Caleta Chome (Hualpén Peninsula, Biobío region) where a total of 27 sea otter feces were sampled. Half of each sample was digested with Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) at 10% mass/volume (m/v) using 20 ml g-1 dry weight for 48 hours at 60°C. The observation was made under a stereoscope extracting potential microplastics (p-MP) with stainless steel tweezers, then the composition was analyzed by Fourier transformed infrared micro spectroscopy (μFTIR). L. felina feces only presented fibers, with black and blue colors as the most abundant and cellulose as the material that composes them, so the hypothesis is rejected. The presence of cellulose and absence of PM can be explained by the oceanographic conditions of the study area as well as the type of diet that L. felina eats. Similar research in other mammals shows consistent results, with cellulose fibers being the most abundant or even the only material. The limitations of methodology, techniques used and lack of standardization in protocols are discussed to highlight the need to generate knowledge regarding the abundance, distribution, interactions and possible effects on organisms by pollutants such as MP and fibers.
Microplastics (MP) are pollutant particles smaller than 5 mm that occur in various forms and have been reported worldwide in different environments and organisms. Part of the environmental impact they cause is the ingestion and accumulation of these (and their pollutants) in animals, with the study of feces being a way to investigate MP in mammals. Lontra felina, a sea otter endemic to Perú and Chile in danger of extinction, presents reports of MP in fecal samples (Perú) and prey species, without any knowledge for Chile. Considering the antecedents, the presence of MP in feces of L. felina is hypothesized. The study area considered three sites near Caleta Chome (Hualpén Peninsula, Biobío region) where a total of 27 sea otter feces were sampled. Half of each sample was digested with Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) at 10% mass/volume (m/v) using 20 ml g-1 dry weight for 48 hours at 60°C. The observation was made under a stereoscope extracting potential microplastics (p-MP) with stainless steel tweezers, then the composition was analyzed by Fourier transformed infrared micro spectroscopy (μFTIR). L. felina feces only presented fibers, with black and blue colors as the most abundant and cellulose as the material that composes them, so the hypothesis is rejected. The presence of cellulose and absence of PM can be explained by the oceanographic conditions of the study area as well as the type of diet that L. felina eats. Similar research in other mammals shows consistent results, with cellulose fibers being the most abundant or even the only material. The limitations of methodology, techniques used and lack of standardization in protocols are discussed to highlight the need to generate knowledge regarding the abundance, distribution, interactions and possible effects on organisms by pollutants such as MP and fibers.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Bióloga
Microplásticos, Animales endémicos, Ecología marina