Biological basis for the stock assessment in Guyana using an adaptive evaluation and management approach for data-limited fisheries.
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Universidad de Concepción.
Many data-limited fisheries remain without formal stock assessment and
management worldwide, and it is the case of Guyana's fisheries. Before
assessing the status of data-limited fisheries, it is essential to start with a
biological framework that can provide life-history parameters and biological
reference points. We utilized estimates of life history parameters for six species
sustaining the small-scale and semi-industrial fisheries from the four
administrative regions of Guyana. The life history parameters were estimated
using the FishLife R package, a multivariate evolutionary model, which allows
determining biological reference points. Catch data covered only from 2015 to
2018, and the time series were not enough to apply a formal data-limited stock
assessment model. We utilized yield and biomass per recruit models to estimate
the age and length at first capture. Target reference points for fishing mortality
based on spawning per recruit and a reduction in absolute spawning biomass
(B/B0) were close to 50%. The target fishing mortality was F55% for the target
species of the small-scale and semi-industrial fisheries in Guyana. Further study
is essential to implement, monitor, and conduct stock assessment of the fisheries,
and the framework utilized here is a starting point.
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias con mención en Pesquerías.
Industria Pesquera, Captura Marítima, Población de Peces