Análisis de la influencia de la tasa de quemado en las emisiones de material particulado generadas por cocina a leña, utilizando un método óptico para medición de material particulado.
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Universidad de Concepción
El presente estudio aborda la influencia de la tasa de quemado en las emisiones de material particulado generadas por cocinas a leña, empleando un método óptico basado en el sensor PMS5003 para la medición instantánea de dichas emisiones. Este trabajo se enmarca en la importancia de la biomasa como fuente energética renovable y su relevancia en Chile, donde la combustión de leña es una de las principales fuentes de contaminación atmosférica. El enfoque experimental considera las características específicas de las cocinas a leña y busca proporcionar soluciones técnicas y modelos que optimicen su uso, minimizando el impacto ambiental.
Entre los objetivos alcanzados, se destaca el desarrollo y validación del método óptico para la medición de material particulado. La implementación del sensor PMS5003 permitió obtener datos en tiempo real, los cuales fueron comparados con el método isocinético convencional, mostrando una alta correlación entre ambos, con un coeficiente de determinación (R²) de 0.97. Adicionalmente, se formuló un modelo adimensional para representar la tasa de quemado, estableciendo una relación directa con las emisiones de material particulado, lo que valida su aplicabilidad para diferentes configuraciones de operación de la cocina.
Los resultados experimentales demuestran que el tiraje medio proporciona mejores condiciones para una combustión eficiente y controlada en comparación con el tiraje abierto. En esta configuración, las emisiones de material particulado y monóxido de carbono (CO) son considerablemente menores, lo que optimiza el uso del combustible y reduce el impacto ambiental. El modelo propuesto mostró una excelente correlación con los datos experimentales, especialmente durante la fase de ignición, donde se obtuvo un error promedio del 6.96%. En el caso más desfavorable, correspondiente a la etapa de burnout, se registró un error promedio de 27.34%, lo que valida su capacidad para predecir de manera precisa el comportamiento de la combustión.
En conclusión, la configuración de tiraje medio es recomendada para operar la cocina Alcázar M-70, ya que minimiza las emisiones de material particulado y CO, al tiempo que mejora la eficiencia térmica del sistema. El desarrollo de herramientas como el método óptico y el modelo adimensional contribuye significativamente al diseño de soluciones más sostenibles, ofreciendo un enfoque técnico y práctico para mejorar la calidad del aire y el desempeño energético en el uso de cocinas a leña.
This study investigates the influence of the burn rate on particulate matter emissions generated by wood-burning stoves, using an optical method based on the PMS5003 sensor for the real-time measurement of these emissions. The research emphasizes the importance of biomass as a renewable energy source and its relevance in Chile, where wood combustion is a significant source of atmospheric pollution. The experimental approach considers the specific characteristics of wood burning stoves and aims to provide technical solutions and models to optimize their use, minimizing environmental impact. Among the achieved objectives, the development and validation of the optical method for particulate matter measurement stands out. The implementation of the PMS5003 sensor allowed for real-time data collection, which were compared with the conventional isokinetic method, showing a high correlation between both methods, with a determination coefficient (R²) of 0.97. Additionally, a dimensionless model was developed to represent the burn rate, establishing a direct relationship with particulate matter emissions, thus validating its applicability for different stove operating configurations. Experimental results show that the medium draft provides better conditions for efficient and controlled combustion compared to open draft. In this configuration, particulate matter and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are significantly lower, optimizing fuel use and reducing environmental impact. The proposed model showed excellent correlation with the experimental data, especially during the ignition phase, where an average error of 6.96% was obtained. In the most unfavorable case, corresponding to the burnout stage, an average error of 27.34% was recorded, validating its ability to accurately predict combustion behavior. In conclusion, the medium draft configuration is recommended for operating the Alcázar M-70 stove, as it minimizes particulate matter and CO emissions while improving thermal efficiency. The development of tools such as the optical method and the dimensionless model significantly contributes to the design of more sustainable solutions, offering a technical and practical approach to improve air quality and energy performance in the use of wood-burning stoves.
This study investigates the influence of the burn rate on particulate matter emissions generated by wood-burning stoves, using an optical method based on the PMS5003 sensor for the real-time measurement of these emissions. The research emphasizes the importance of biomass as a renewable energy source and its relevance in Chile, where wood combustion is a significant source of atmospheric pollution. The experimental approach considers the specific characteristics of wood burning stoves and aims to provide technical solutions and models to optimize their use, minimizing environmental impact. Among the achieved objectives, the development and validation of the optical method for particulate matter measurement stands out. The implementation of the PMS5003 sensor allowed for real-time data collection, which were compared with the conventional isokinetic method, showing a high correlation between both methods, with a determination coefficient (R²) of 0.97. Additionally, a dimensionless model was developed to represent the burn rate, establishing a direct relationship with particulate matter emissions, thus validating its applicability for different stove operating configurations. Experimental results show that the medium draft provides better conditions for efficient and controlled combustion compared to open draft. In this configuration, particulate matter and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions are significantly lower, optimizing fuel use and reducing environmental impact. The proposed model showed excellent correlation with the experimental data, especially during the ignition phase, where an average error of 6.96% was obtained. In the most unfavorable case, corresponding to the burnout stage, an average error of 27.34% was recorded, validating its ability to accurately predict combustion behavior. In conclusion, the medium draft configuration is recommended for operating the Alcázar M-70 stove, as it minimizes particulate matter and CO emissions while improving thermal efficiency. The development of tools such as the optical method and the dimensionless model significantly contributes to the design of more sustainable solutions, offering a technical and practical approach to improve air quality and energy performance in the use of wood-burning stoves.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería con Mención en Ingeniería Mecánica
Madera Combustión, Cenizas volantes, Contaminantes Análisis