Modelación operacional del río Diguilín basado en el balance hídrico.
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Universidad de Concepción
Se implementó un modelo operacional del río para que la Junta de Vigilancia del Río Diguillín (JVRD) pueda comprender de mejor manera el comportamiento del río a lo largo de su recorrido, además de localizar los sectores donde el cauce presentas aportes o pérdidas; ya sean ocasionadas por aguas subterráneas, retornos de canales de regadío, vertientes, esteros o confluencias con otros ríos.
El modelo se basa en el balance hídrico entre dos estaciones fluviométricas de la Dirección General de Aguas (DGA), ubicadas entre San Lorenzo y Diguillín en Longitudinal, lo que incluye la sumatoria de todas las bocatomas y de todos los aportes y pérdidas encontradas entre dichas estaciones. Además, el modelo considera un balance por nodo (balance hídrico justo en la ubicación de cada bocatoma) y un balance por tramo (sección del río ubicado entre bocatomas). La representación del resultado del modelo será por medio del perfil longitudinal del río, donde a cada uno de las bocatomas (nodos) se le asignará una ubicación en kilómetros a partir de la estación fluviométricas DGA San Lorenzo hasta la estación fluviométricas Diguillín en Longitudinal.
An operational model of the Diguillín river was carried out for the Diguillín River Surveillance Board (JVRD) to understand the behavior of the river along its course, also to locating the sectors where the river receives contributions or losses; Whether caused by groundwater, returns from irrigation channels, water springs, or confluences with other creeks. The model is based on the water balance between two fluviometric stations of the General Directorate of Water (DGA), located between San Lorenzo and Diguillín in Longitudinal, which includes the sum of all the intakes and all the contributions and losses between these stations. The model considers a balance per node (water balance just at the location of each intake) and a balance per section (section of the river located between intakes). The representation of the result is through of the longitudinal profile of the river, where each of the intakes is assigned a location from the San Lorenzo fluviometric station to the Diguillín fluviometric station at Longitudinal.
An operational model of the Diguillín river was carried out for the Diguillín River Surveillance Board (JVRD) to understand the behavior of the river along its course, also to locating the sectors where the river receives contributions or losses; Whether caused by groundwater, returns from irrigation channels, water springs, or confluences with other creeks. The model is based on the water balance between two fluviometric stations of the General Directorate of Water (DGA), located between San Lorenzo and Diguillín in Longitudinal, which includes the sum of all the intakes and all the contributions and losses between these stations. The model considers a balance per node (water balance just at the location of each intake) and a balance per section (section of the river located between intakes). The representation of the result is through of the longitudinal profile of the river, where each of the intakes is assigned a location from the San Lorenzo fluviometric station to the Diguillín fluviometric station at Longitudinal.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Agrícola
Industria, Innovación e Infraestructura, Balance hídrico (Hidrología), Caudales, Acción por el Clima, Ingeniería fluvial