Análisis de la hidrología del área de influencia del relleno sanitario San Roque.
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Universidad de Concepción
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis hidrológico del área de influencia del Relleno Sanitario San Roque. La metodología para llevar a cabo este estudio comprende la descripción detallada de las características del área de influencia del proyecto, abarcando la hidrología superficial, subterránea y antecedentes climáticos, ambientales y geológicos.
Luego, se estudiaron los posibles riesgos frente a crecidas evacuadas por el embalse Colbún, que está ubicado 7 km aguas arriba del área de emplazamiento del relleno sanitario, por lo cual se inicia una revisión bibliográfica de los caudales de crecidas bajo distintos escenarios temporales. Con estos datos se utilizó la plataforma computacional Hec-RAS para realizar una simulación hidráulica con la que estimó la altura que alcanzaría el rio Maule para la descarga del caudal asociado al período de retorno de 100 años por el vertedero de Colbún, de esta forma se analizó si el relleno sanitario se ve afectado. Finalmente se propone un plan de contingencias y emergencias que tiene por objetivo prevenir inundaciones en el área del proyecto. De esta manera se desarrolló un plan de prevención para dar una respuesta inmediata, coordinada y efectiva que permita controlar y mitigar las consecuencias de una crecida.
The objective of this work is to carry out a hydrological analysis of the area of influence of the San Roque Landfill. The methodology of this study includes a detailed description of the characteristics of the area of influence of the project, including surface and subway hydrology and climatic, environmental and geological background. Then, we studied the possible risks of floods evacuated by the Colbún reservoir, which is located 7 km upstream of the landfill site area, for which we began a bibliographic review of flood flows under different time scenarios. With this data, the Hec-RAS computational platform was used to perform a hydraulic simulation that estimated the height that would be reached for a 100 years discharge of the Colbún reservoir, thus analyzing whether the landfill is affected. Finally, a contingency and emergency plan were proposed to prevent flooding in the project area. In this way, steps were determined to follow in order to provide an immediate, coordinated and effective response to control and mitigate the consequences.
The objective of this work is to carry out a hydrological analysis of the area of influence of the San Roque Landfill. The methodology of this study includes a detailed description of the characteristics of the area of influence of the project, including surface and subway hydrology and climatic, environmental and geological background. Then, we studied the possible risks of floods evacuated by the Colbún reservoir, which is located 7 km upstream of the landfill site area, for which we began a bibliographic review of flood flows under different time scenarios. With this data, the Hec-RAS computational platform was used to perform a hydraulic simulation that estimated the height that would be reached for a 100 years discharge of the Colbún reservoir, thus analyzing whether the landfill is affected. Finally, a contingency and emergency plan were proposed to prevent flooding in the project area. In this way, steps were determined to follow in order to provide an immediate, coordinated and effective response to control and mitigate the consequences.
Proyecto de habilitación profesional presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Ambiental
Gestión ambiental