Representaciones sociales sobre el proceso de intervención desarrollado en el programa Familias en Tiempos de Pandemia: las vivencias de los profesionales de las comunas de Pinto, San Nicolás y Coelemu de la región de Ñuble.
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Universidad de Concepción
El Subsistema de Seguridades y Oportunidades es la política pública para la superación de la pobreza, y dentro de éste se encuentra el Programa Familias, en ese contexto, el acompañamiento psicosocial y sociolaboral realizado por los profesionales denominados Apoyos Familiares Integrales se enfoca dentro de la metodología de intervención definida por este programa, la cual se realiza tradicionalmente bajo la entrevista domiciliaria, sin embargo, durante la pandemia estos profesionales han tenido que reestructurar el quehacer diario.
En ese contexto, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar las representaciones sociales que los profesionales Apoyos Familiares Integrales han experimentado respecto de la modificación metodológica del Programa Familias en las comunas de Pinto, San Nicolás y Coelemu, de la Región de Ñuble. Dicho estudio es de tipo cualitativo, con enfoque fenomenológico de tipo descriptivo, utilizando un muestreo teórico intencionado a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales que cumplen con los criterios de inclusión de dichas comunas. A partir de las preguntas de investigación ¿Cuáles son las vivencias de los profesionales del Programa Familia en relación con el proceso de intervención ejecutado en las comunas de Pinto, San Nicolás y Coelemu? Se busca dar respuesta al siguiente objetivo general de investigación: Analizar las representaciones sociales sobre el proceso de intervención ejecutado por los profesionales del “Programa Familias” en las comunas de Pinto, San Nicolás y Coelemu de la región de Ñuble.
Por último, se indaga respecto de información teórica e institucional con relación a lineamientos metodológicos adoptados para la implementación del Programa Familias en contexto sanitario, con el objetivo de aportar antecedentes al fenómeno de estudio.
The Securities and Opportunities Subsystem is the public policy for the reduction of poverty, and within is the Family Program. In the context of this system, the psychosocial and social-laboral support performed by professionals, denominated Integral Family Support, that focuses on the method of defined intervention traditionally operating under the domiciliary interview. However, during the pandemic these professionals have had to restructure their daily operations. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the social representations that the Integral Family Support professionals have experimented upon with respect to the methodological modifications of the Family Program in the Pinto, San Nicolas, and Coelemu communities, in the Ñuble Region. Said study is qualitative, with a phenomenological and descriptive focus, utilizing pool theory performed through semistructured interviews of professionals who meet the inclusive criteria of said communities. Starting with the investigational questions: What are the experiences of the Family Program professionals in relation to the intervention process executed in the communities of Pinto, San Nicolas, and Coelemu. One searches for answers to the next general research objective: Analyze the social representations regarding the intervention process executed by the Family Program professionals in the Pinto, San Nicolas, and Coelemu communities of the Ñuble Region. Ultimately, this delves into theoretical and institutional information related to methodological lines adopted for the implementation of the Family Program in sanitary contexts, with the objective of supporting antecedents of the research phenomena.
The Securities and Opportunities Subsystem is the public policy for the reduction of poverty, and within is the Family Program. In the context of this system, the psychosocial and social-laboral support performed by professionals, denominated Integral Family Support, that focuses on the method of defined intervention traditionally operating under the domiciliary interview. However, during the pandemic these professionals have had to restructure their daily operations. In this context, the objective of this study is to analyze the social representations that the Integral Family Support professionals have experimented upon with respect to the methodological modifications of the Family Program in the Pinto, San Nicolas, and Coelemu communities, in the Ñuble Region. Said study is qualitative, with a phenomenological and descriptive focus, utilizing pool theory performed through semistructured interviews of professionals who meet the inclusive criteria of said communities. Starting with the investigational questions: What are the experiences of the Family Program professionals in relation to the intervention process executed in the communities of Pinto, San Nicolas, and Coelemu. One searches for answers to the next general research objective: Analyze the social representations regarding the intervention process executed by the Family Program professionals in the Pinto, San Nicolas, and Coelemu communities of the Ñuble Region. Ultimately, this delves into theoretical and institutional information related to methodological lines adopted for the implementation of the Family Program in sanitary contexts, with the objective of supporting antecedents of the research phenomena.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magíster en Intervención Familiar.
Políticas públicas, Familia, COVID-19