Bordadoras de Copiulemu: La contribución femenina al patrimonio cultural de la región del Biobío.
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Universidad de Concepción
La investigación aborda la contribución de las Bordadoras de Copiulemu al patrimonio cultural de la región del Biobío, se centra en las experiencias de las artesanas, considerando sus aportes a la identidad colectiva, la memoria histórica y la perspectiva de género en el ámbito patrimonial. Mediante un enfoque cualitativo que combina metodología fenomenológica y etnográfica, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y observaciones no participantes para profundizar en las experiencias y significados que las mujeres bordadoras atribuyen a su labor artesanal. Entre los principales hallazgos, se identificaron elementos clave en la producción artesanal que reflejan la vida rural y las cosmovisiones locales. Asimismo, se constató que su labor artesanal fomenta el empoderamiento individual y colectivo, al permitirles acceder a nuevos espacios de participación social y reivindicar su rol como protagonistas en la transmisión de conocimientos tradicionales. La investigación concluye que las Bordadoras de Copiulemu son agentes culturales activos, cuyas prácticas artesanales fortalecen su autonomía y visibilizan las contribuciones femeninas al patrimonio cultural, destacando la necesidad de incorporar una perspectiva de género en los procesos de patrimonialización.
This research examines the contribution of the Bordadoras de Copiulemu to the cultural heritage of the Biobío region, focusing on the artisans' experiences and their impact on collective identity, historical memory, and gender perspectives within the heritage domain. Employing a qualitative approach that integrates phenomenological and ethnographic methodologies, the study utilized semi-structured interviews and non-participant observations to explore the meanings and experiences these women attribute to their artisanal work. Key findings highlight elements of craftsmanship that reflect rural life and local worldviews. Additionally, the study reveals that their artisanal practices foster both individual and collective empowerment by enabling access to new social participation spaces and affirming their role as key actors in transmitting traditional knowledge. The research concludes that the Bordadoras de Copiulemu are active cultural agents whose practices enhance their autonomy and illuminate women's contributions to cultural heritage, underscoring the importance of integrating a gender perspective in heritage processes.
This research examines the contribution of the Bordadoras de Copiulemu to the cultural heritage of the Biobío region, focusing on the artisans' experiences and their impact on collective identity, historical memory, and gender perspectives within the heritage domain. Employing a qualitative approach that integrates phenomenological and ethnographic methodologies, the study utilized semi-structured interviews and non-participant observations to explore the meanings and experiences these women attribute to their artisanal work. Key findings highlight elements of craftsmanship that reflect rural life and local worldviews. Additionally, the study reveals that their artisanal practices foster both individual and collective empowerment by enabling access to new social participation spaces and affirming their role as key actors in transmitting traditional knowledge. The research concludes that the Bordadoras de Copiulemu are active cultural agents whose practices enhance their autonomy and illuminate women's contributions to cultural heritage, underscoring the importance of integrating a gender perspective in heritage processes.
Tesis presentada para optar al título profesional de Antropólogas en Antropología Sociocultural
Bordado Chile, Artesanas Chile, Patrimonio cultural