Análisis de la calidad de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas de la cuenca del Bío-Bío.
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Universidad de Concepción
Esta investigación recopiló información existente de la calidad de aguas superficiales y subterráneas de la cuenca del Biobío, usando como referencia el decreto Nº 9 de normas secundarias de calidad de aguas Biobío, que corresponden a las aguas superficiales y las normas chilenas Nº1333 y 409/1. Estas normas establecen requisitos de calidad para diferentes usos de las aguas subterráneas. A partir de los datos suministrados por la DGA se procedió a realizar un análisis de la calidad de aguas superficiales y subterráneas.
Para llevar a cabo el análisis, se consideraron diferentes elementos físicosquímicos con la finalidad de analizar su calidad; también, se confeccionaron dos diagramas de Piper correspondientes a las aguas superficiales y subterráneas, los cuales dan una vista general de la composición química de las aguas a analizar. Los resultados mostraron el problema de la excedencia de nitrógeno en las aguas superficiales a lo largo de la cuenca, además de no cumplir con el decreto N°9 de la norma secundaria de calidad de aguas superficiales en el Biobío, en toda la extensión de la cuenca. Sin embargo, la situación de las aguas subterráneas se encuentran dentro de las normas impuestas por el Instituto Nacional de Normalización (INN).
Finalmente, se concluye a partir de las investigación, que las aguas superficiales estudiadas van siendo influenciadas por diversos factores antrópicos a lo largo de su recorrido por la cuenca del Biobío, derivando en un empeoramiento de su calidad mientras se van acercando al mar. En cuanto a las aguas subterráneas, por lo general, están dentro de las normas de calidad Nº1333 y 409/1, y se concluyó que los niveles anormales de contaminantes puntuales de cada pozo analizado se deben a factores antrópicos y naturales.
This research compiled existing information on the quality of surface and groundwater in the Biobío basin, using decree No.9 of Biobío secondary water quality standards as a reference, which correspond to surface waters and Chilean standards No. 1333 and 409/1., these standards establish quality requirements for different uses of groundwater. Based on the data provided by the DGA, an analysis of the quality of surface and groundwater was carried out. To carry out the analysis, different physical-chemical elements were considered, in order to analyze their quality, in addition, two Piper diagrams corresponding to surface and groundwater were made, which give an overview of the chemical composition of the waters at analyze. The results showed the problem of exceeding nitrogen in surface waters throughout the basin, in addition to not complying with decree No. 9 of the secondary quality standard for surface waters in Biobío, throughout the basin. However, the situation of groundwater is within the standards imposed by the National Institute for Standardization. Certainly, we can conclude from the research that the surface waters studied are being influenced by various anthropic factors throughout their journey through the Biobío basin, resulting in a worsening of their quality as they get closer to the sea, in terms of groundwater is generally within quality standards No. 1333 and 409/1, and it was concluded that the abnormal levels of specific contaminants in each well analyzed are due to anthropic and natural factors.
This research compiled existing information on the quality of surface and groundwater in the Biobío basin, using decree No.9 of Biobío secondary water quality standards as a reference, which correspond to surface waters and Chilean standards No. 1333 and 409/1., these standards establish quality requirements for different uses of groundwater. Based on the data provided by the DGA, an analysis of the quality of surface and groundwater was carried out. To carry out the analysis, different physical-chemical elements were considered, in order to analyze their quality, in addition, two Piper diagrams corresponding to surface and groundwater were made, which give an overview of the chemical composition of the waters at analyze. The results showed the problem of exceeding nitrogen in surface waters throughout the basin, in addition to not complying with decree No. 9 of the secondary quality standard for surface waters in Biobío, throughout the basin. However, the situation of groundwater is within the standards imposed by the National Institute for Standardization. Certainly, we can conclude from the research that the surface waters studied are being influenced by various anthropic factors throughout their journey through the Biobío basin, resulting in a worsening of their quality as they get closer to the sea, in terms of groundwater is generally within quality standards No. 1333 and 409/1, and it was concluded that the abnormal levels of specific contaminants in each well analyzed are due to anthropic and natural factors.
Habilitación profesional presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Ambiental
Calidad del agua, Aguas subterráneas Calidad Chile