Un mercado descuidado en el río Ñuble: estimación del costo de las condiciones del mercado de aguas en el sur de Chile.
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Universidad de Concepción
Producto del crecimiento económico y de la población la demanda de agua es creciente, esto genera cada día mayor presión ambiental, incluso comprometiendo las necesidades hídricas básicas de los ecosistemas, a nivel mundial ha emergido el mercado de aguas como una solución a esta problemática. Chile es uno de los países que ha definido el mercado como mecanismo legal de gestión de la demanda, pero el descuido del mismo, en la práctica, ha generado ineficiencias en la administración del recurso. Este documento analiza el estado del mercado de derechos de aguas del río Ñuble y estudia los costos económicos de las ineficiencias en el mercado de aguas del sistema de distribución de agua del mismo rio. Este sistema de distribución, debido a sus condiciones de mercado distantes a las de competencia perfecta (altos costos de transacción y escasez de información de mercado) impide transacciones socialmente beneficiosas. Se desarrolló una metodología basada en la rentabilidad marginal del uso del agua, que permite estimar el costo de las transacciones de mercado no realizadas por efecto de las condiciones de mercado existentes. El estudio del mercado de derechos de aguas del río Ñuble mostró grandes niveles de dispersión de precios, con una desviación estándar mayor a la media, y una gran diferencia de precios entre las riberas norte y sur, y entre canales. El costo de las ineficiencias de mercado se estimó en MM US$ 7,6 anuales, lo que significaría un aumento del 25% en los retornos netos del sistema con un mercado operando en condiciones ideales. Si bien la metodología propuesta posee como limitante el otorgar resultados teóricos basados en condiciones de mercado perfecto, lo cual combate con el análisis de sensibilidad de los resultados, permite evaluar económicamente inversiones extraprediales de riego que generan una mejor gestión del recurso hídrico, empoderando con respaldo económico a los proyectos que persiguen mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión del agua.
As a result of economic growth and population growth, the demand for water is growing, this generates increasing environmental pressure, even compromising the basic water needs of ecosystems. Internationally water market has emerged as a solution to this problem, Chile is one of the countries that has defined the market as a legal mechanism of demand management, but the neglect of the same, in practice, has generated inefficiencies in the administration of the resource. This document analyzes the state of the water rights market of the Ñuble River and studies the economic costs of inefficiencies in the water market of the water distribution system of the same river. This distribution system, due to market conditions distant from those of perfect competition (high transaction costs and scarcity of market information) prevents socially beneficial transactions. A methodology was developed based on the marginal profitability of water use, which makes it possible to estimate the cost of market transactions not carried out due to existing market conditions. The study of the water rights market of the Ñuble River showed large levels of price dispersion, with a standard deviation greater than the average, and a large price difference between the north and south banks, and between canals. The cost of market inefficiencies was estimated at MM US$ 7.6 per year, which would mean a 25% increase in the net returns of the system with a market operating under ideal conditions. Although the proposed methodology has as a limiting factor the granting of theoretical results based on perfect market conditions, which fights with the sensitivity analysis of the results, it allows for the economic evaluation of extra-property irrigation investments that generate a better management of water resources, empowering with economic support projects that seek to improve water management efficiency.
As a result of economic growth and population growth, the demand for water is growing, this generates increasing environmental pressure, even compromising the basic water needs of ecosystems. Internationally water market has emerged as a solution to this problem, Chile is one of the countries that has defined the market as a legal mechanism of demand management, but the neglect of the same, in practice, has generated inefficiencies in the administration of the resource. This document analyzes the state of the water rights market of the Ñuble River and studies the economic costs of inefficiencies in the water market of the water distribution system of the same river. This distribution system, due to market conditions distant from those of perfect competition (high transaction costs and scarcity of market information) prevents socially beneficial transactions. A methodology was developed based on the marginal profitability of water use, which makes it possible to estimate the cost of market transactions not carried out due to existing market conditions. The study of the water rights market of the Ñuble River showed large levels of price dispersion, with a standard deviation greater than the average, and a large price difference between the north and south banks, and between canals. The cost of market inefficiencies was estimated at MM US$ 7.6 per year, which would mean a 25% increase in the net returns of the system with a market operating under ideal conditions. Although the proposed methodology has as a limiting factor the granting of theoretical results based on perfect market conditions, which fights with the sensitivity analysis of the results, it allows for the economic evaluation of extra-property irrigation investments that generate a better management of water resources, empowering with economic support projects that seek to improve water management efficiency.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magister en Ingeniería Agrícola, con mención en Recursos Hídricos
Agua Limpia y Saneamiento, Riego - Chile, Recursos hidrológicos - Chile - Administración, Producción y Consumo Responsable, Agua de riego - Chile - Administración