Reconocimiento y manejo de plantas acuáticas sumergidas en canales de riego de la zona central de Chile.
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Universidad de Concepción
Los canales de riego en Chile son administrados de manera particular a través de Organizaciones de usuarios de Aguas que se preocupan de la distribución del agua de acuerdo a los derechos existentes y la mantención del sistema de canales. En la última década se ha producido una proliferación de plantas acuáticas en los canales de riego que han generado severos problemas a las administraciones de los canales, pues las plantas aumentan la rugosidad de los canales, reduciendo su capacidad de conducción de agua. Frente a esto se han tomado medidas de control que han sido insuficientes y poco efectivas. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo identificar las plantas acuáticas invasoras y analizar los planes de manejos de acuerdo a la especie, en la Zona central de Chile (Maule y Bío -Bío) con el objetivo de identificar a las principales especies invasoras. Se concluye que las especies existentes son macrófitas sumergidas y que las medidas de manejo implementadas han carecido de efectividad principalmente por el desconocimiento del sistema reproductivo de las plantas.
Irrigation canals in Chile are privately managed through water users’ associations that see to water distribution according to existing rights and canal system maintenance. In the last decade the spread of aquatic plants in irrigation canals has severely complicated canal management, since the plants increase the roughness of canals, thereby reducing their water conveyance capacity. Control measures have been implemented to grapple with these problems, but they have been insufficient and ineffective. This work aims to identify the invasive aquatic plants and analyze management plans in accordance with the species in central Chile (Maule and Bío Bío) in order to identify the main invasive species. It is concluded that the species are submerged macrophytes and that the control measures implemented have been ineffective due mainly to a poor understanding of the reproductive systems of the plants.
Irrigation canals in Chile are privately managed through water users’ associations that see to water distribution according to existing rights and canal system maintenance. In the last decade the spread of aquatic plants in irrigation canals has severely complicated canal management, since the plants increase the roughness of canals, thereby reducing their water conveyance capacity. Control measures have been implemented to grapple with these problems, but they have been insufficient and ineffective. This work aims to identify the invasive aquatic plants and analyze management plans in accordance with the species in central Chile (Maule and Bío Bío) in order to identify the main invasive species. It is concluded that the species are submerged macrophytes and that the control measures implemented have been ineffective due mainly to a poor understanding of the reproductive systems of the plants.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magister en Ingeniería Agrícola, mención en Recursos Hídricos
Plantas acuáticas, Canales de riego - Chile, Vida Submarina, Agua de riego - Chile