Las tareas ilegítimas y su relación con el burnout en el contexto educacional. Rol de la identidad laboral.
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Universidad de Concepción
Las tareas ilegítimas son todas las acciones asignadas a los/as empleados/as y que son consideradas por ellos/as como como innecesarias e injustas. Éstas han sido identificadas como un factor de estrés laboral debido a la amenaza que representa, para la identidad laboral, la asignación de deberes y actividades que no son reconocidas como propias del rol que desempeñan los/as empleados/as dentro de la organización, pudiendo tener como consecuencia un incremento en los niveles de burnout que los/as empleados/as experimentan. Este fenómeno pudiera ser mucho más relevante en organizaciones complejas, donde muchas veces se requiere la participación de los/as empleados/as en actividades que sobrepasan las características propias de sus roles. Con el objetivo de poner a prueba la hipótesis sobre la relación entre las tareas ilegitimas y el burnout mediada por la identidad laboral, se realizó un estudio longitudinal y se aplicó el cuestionario Propiedades Psicométricas de la escala de tareas ilegítimas de BERN (adaptada al idioma español), el cuestionario MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) y el cuestionario de identidad laboral propuesto por Sulphey (2020), a 135 empleados/as para el estudio transversal y 79 empelados/as para el estudio longitudinal de una organización educativa que tiene presencia a lo largo de Chile, incluyendo a docentes, personal administrativo y de servicio profesional. Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio tipo policórico para validar las variables medidas por los instrumentos. La aplicación de los instrumentos se realizó en dos tiempos de muestreo, separados por un periodo de seis semanas. El análisis de mediación se realizó empleando el primer muestreo y un segundo análisis considerando una metodología longitudinal, incluyendo las variables burnout (T1), sexo y edad como variables control. Los resultados
mostraron un efecto directo de las tareas ilegítimas sobre el burnout, mayor que el efecto indirecto mediado por la identidad laboral considerando los datos del primer muestreo. Sin embargo, el efecto de las tareas ilegítimas y la identidad laboral no fueron significativos en el estudio longitudinal, en el cual el burnout previo, mostró un efecto significativo, lo que confirma el carácter estable del burnout. Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones importantes para la práctica laboral y destacan la necesidad de prestar atención a las condiciones laborales adversas y la identidad laboral para promover entornos laborales saludables.
Illegitimate tasks refer to actions assigned to employees that they deem unnecessary and unfair. These tasks have been found to increase work-related stress and jeopardize employees' work identity, as they involve duties and activities that do not align with their role within the organization. This, in turn, may lead to higher levels of burnout among employees. This occurrence may have greater significance in intricate organizations, where employees frequently need to engage in activities that surpass the parameters of their job descriptions. To examine the hypothesis on the correlation between illegitimate tasks and burnout mediated by work identity, we conducted a longitudinal study and administered the Psychometric Properties of the BERN illegitimate tasks scale (adapted to Spanish), the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire (MBI), and the work identity questionnaire proposed by Sulphey (2020), 135 employees for the crosssectional study and 79 employees for the longitudinal study, of an educational organization present across Chile, comprising teachers, administrative, and professional service personnel. A polychoric confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify the variables measured by the instruments. The instruments were administered in two sampling periods, with a six-week interval between them. The mediation analysis was conducted on the first sampling, while the second analysis followed a longitudinal methodology with burnout (T1), sex, and age as control variables. The findings revealed that illegitimate tasks had a direct impact on burnout, which was greater than the indirect effect of work identity, as per the first sample data. Nonetheless, illegitimate tasks and work identity did not have significant effects in the longitudinal study, where previous burnout had a significant impact. This confirms the stable nature of burnout. These findings have significant implications for work practice, emphasizing the importance of addressing adverse work conditions and work identity to promote healthy work environments.
Illegitimate tasks refer to actions assigned to employees that they deem unnecessary and unfair. These tasks have been found to increase work-related stress and jeopardize employees' work identity, as they involve duties and activities that do not align with their role within the organization. This, in turn, may lead to higher levels of burnout among employees. This occurrence may have greater significance in intricate organizations, where employees frequently need to engage in activities that surpass the parameters of their job descriptions. To examine the hypothesis on the correlation between illegitimate tasks and burnout mediated by work identity, we conducted a longitudinal study and administered the Psychometric Properties of the BERN illegitimate tasks scale (adapted to Spanish), the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire (MBI), and the work identity questionnaire proposed by Sulphey (2020), 135 employees for the crosssectional study and 79 employees for the longitudinal study, of an educational organization present across Chile, comprising teachers, administrative, and professional service personnel. A polychoric confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify the variables measured by the instruments. The instruments were administered in two sampling periods, with a six-week interval between them. The mediation analysis was conducted on the first sampling, while the second analysis followed a longitudinal methodology with burnout (T1), sex, and age as control variables. The findings revealed that illegitimate tasks had a direct impact on burnout, which was greater than the indirect effect of work identity, as per the first sample data. Nonetheless, illegitimate tasks and work identity did not have significant effects in the longitudinal study, where previous burnout had a significant impact. This confirms the stable nature of burnout. These findings have significant implications for work practice, emphasizing the importance of addressing adverse work conditions and work identity to promote healthy work environments.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magíster en Psicología mención Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones.