Corresponsabilidad familiar en el reparto de tareas domésticas y laborales de cuidado desde la perspectiva de parejas de doble ingreso pertenecientes a la comuna de Coelemu, región de Ñuble.
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Universidad de Concepción
La presente investigación se orienta a identificar la perspectiva y desarrollo de la corresponsabilidad familiar en el ejercicio de tareas domésticas y de cuidado, por parte de parejas de doble ingreso, pertenecientes a la comuna de Coelemu, Ñuble. Su lineamiento metodológico obedece a un estudio de orden cualitativo, de tipo exploratorio - descriptivo y de corte transversal, con una muestra de 10 personas que en su conjunto configuran cinco parejas, cada una compuesta por hombre y mujer, en convivencia activa, mayores de 18 años de edad, insertos en el plano laboral, con trayectoria mínima de 2 años cada uno y con hijos de hasta 12 años de edad. La recogida de información se realiza mediante entrevistas en profundidad de tipo semiestructuradas dirigidas a los miembros de cada pareja de manera individual.
Los resultados permiten concluir y sostener que, se observan quiebres en los modelos tradicionales de familia, con hombres que asumen y se responsabilizan cada vez más por las labores domésticas y de cuidado, existiendo un fuerte liderazgo femenino en el establecimiento de prioridades, organización y distribución de las mismas, las que son realizadas de manera consensuada en función de las habilidades, conocimiento y capacidad física de los miembros de la pareja. De igual modo, se obtiene que el ejercicio adecuado de corresponsabilidad se ve condicionado por modelos de crianza a los que fueron sometidos las/los entrevistados en su niñez como por las exigencias laborales que deben enfrentar día a día, ocasionando sobrecarga, tensiones y conflictos en la esfera familiar. Otro hallazgo, permite concluir que existe desconocimiento generalizado en torno a políticas de corresponsabilidad familiar y la red institucional que las sostiene, lo que se atribuye a carencia de instancias de información y socialización en esta materia.
The main objective of this research is to identify the perspective and development of family co-responsibility in the exercise of domestic and care tasks, on the part of dual-income couples, belonging to the commune of Coelemu, Ñuble. Its methodological approach obeys a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive and cross-sectional study, with a sample of 10 people who together make up five couples, each one composed of man and woman, in active cohabitation, older than 18 years of age, inserted in the labor market, with a minimum trajectory of 2 years each and with children up to 12 years of age. The information was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with the members of each couple individually. The results allow us to conclude and sustain that there are breaks in the traditional family models, with men assuming and taking more and more responsibility for domestic and care work, with strong female leadership in the establishment of priorities, organization and distribution of these tasks, which are carried out in a consensual manner according to the skills, knowledge and physical capacity of the members of the couple. Similarly, it was found that the proper exercise of co-responsibility is conditioned by the upbringing models to which the interviewees were subjected in their childhood as well as by the work demands they have to face on a daily basis, causing overload, tension and conflicts in the family sphere. Another finding allows us to conclude that there is a general lack of knowledge about family co-responsibility politics and the institutional network that supports them, which is attributed to a lack of information and socialization on this subject.
The main objective of this research is to identify the perspective and development of family co-responsibility in the exercise of domestic and care tasks, on the part of dual-income couples, belonging to the commune of Coelemu, Ñuble. Its methodological approach obeys a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive and cross-sectional study, with a sample of 10 people who together make up five couples, each one composed of man and woman, in active cohabitation, older than 18 years of age, inserted in the labor market, with a minimum trajectory of 2 years each and with children up to 12 years of age. The information was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with the members of each couple individually. The results allow us to conclude and sustain that there are breaks in the traditional family models, with men assuming and taking more and more responsibility for domestic and care work, with strong female leadership in the establishment of priorities, organization and distribution of these tasks, which are carried out in a consensual manner according to the skills, knowledge and physical capacity of the members of the couple. Similarly, it was found that the proper exercise of co-responsibility is conditioned by the upbringing models to which the interviewees were subjected in their childhood as well as by the work demands they have to face on a daily basis, causing overload, tension and conflicts in the family sphere. Another finding allows us to conclude that there is a general lack of knowledge about family co-responsibility politics and the institutional network that supports them, which is attributed to a lack of information and socialization on this subject.
Tesis para optar al grado de Magister en Trabajo Social y Políticas Sociales
Género, Familias, Ingresos