Diseño y construcción de un dispositivo de laboratorio para la evaluación de la conductividad hidráulica en materiales granulares.
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Universidad de Concepción
Este informe presenta el diseño y construcción de un dispositivo de laboratorio para evaluar la conductividad hidráulica en materiales granulares, con el objetivo de controlar el drenaje ácido (DA) en botaderos de residuos mineros en Chile. Los botaderos son estructuras que contienen grandes volúmenes de materiales granulares, como los residuos sulfurados, que, al interactuar con agua, oxígeno y bacterias, generan contaminantes nocivos para el medio ambiente.
El estudio se centra en la evaluación de la conductividad hidráulica de estos materiales, un factor crucial en la generación y propagación del DA. Para ello, se diseña un permeámetro de laboratorio y se realizan pruebas con cinco muestras que combinan residuos sulfurados y bentonita, un material granular que actúa como sello. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el permeámetro es capaz de medir con precisión la conductividad hidráulica de materiales granulares y que la adición de bentonita reduce significativamente esta conductividad en los materiales presentes en los botaderos, lo que afirma su potencial como solución efectiva para controlar el DA en la industria minera.
Este trabajo establece una base para futuras investigaciones y aplicaciones en la gestión de residuos mineros, afirmando el uso de bentonita como un material clave en la composición de tecnologías de control y mitigación de DA.
This report presents the design and construction of a laboratory device to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of granular materials, with the aim of controlling acid drainage (AD) in mine waste dumps in Chile. Waste dumps are structures that contain large volumes of granular materials, such as sulfide waste, which, when interacting with water, oxygen, and bacteria, generate harmful environmental pollutants. The study focuses on evaluating the hydraulic conductivity of these materials, a crucial factor in the generation and propagation of AD. For this purpose, a laboratory permeameter is designed, and tests are conducted with five samples that combine sulfide waste and bentonite, a granular material that acts as a seal. The results show that the permeameter can accurately measure the hydraulic conductivity of granular materials and that the addition of bentonite significantly reduces this conductivity in the materials present in the dumps, confirming its potential as an effective solution to control AD in the mining industry. This work provides a foundation for future research and applications in mine waste management, affirming the use of bentonite as a key material in the composition of AD control and mitigation technologies.
This report presents the design and construction of a laboratory device to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of granular materials, with the aim of controlling acid drainage (AD) in mine waste dumps in Chile. Waste dumps are structures that contain large volumes of granular materials, such as sulfide waste, which, when interacting with water, oxygen, and bacteria, generate harmful environmental pollutants. The study focuses on evaluating the hydraulic conductivity of these materials, a crucial factor in the generation and propagation of AD. For this purpose, a laboratory permeameter is designed, and tests are conducted with five samples that combine sulfide waste and bentonite, a granular material that acts as a seal. The results show that the permeameter can accurately measure the hydraulic conductivity of granular materials and that the addition of bentonite significantly reduces this conductivity in the materials present in the dumps, confirming its potential as an effective solution to control AD in the mining industry. This work provides a foundation for future research and applications in mine waste management, affirming the use of bentonite as a key material in the composition of AD control and mitigation technologies.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil en Minas
Materiales granulados, Materiales granulados Dinámica de fluidos, Drenaje ácido de la minería