Evaluación de diseño del programa mujeres jefas de hogar, desde la perspectiva de los profesionales que lo ejecutan en la región del Biobío.
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Universidad de Concepción
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo general Evaluar el Diseño del Programa Mujeres Jefas de Hogar como programa social, desde la perspectiva de los profesionales que lo ejecutan en la región del Biobío. Corresponde a una investigación de tipo cuantitativa, de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, diseño no experimental y corte transversal. La muestra del estudio fue de tipo no probabilística y estuvo compuesta por 33 profesionales ejecutores del programa. Se utilizó un cuestionario auto administrado como instrumento en la recolección de datos. Las principales variables estudiadas fueron Diseño del Programa Mujeres Jefas de Hogar (variable dependiente), la que se midió en las dimensiones de 1) Pertinencia, 2) Fundamentación Diagnóstica, 3) Población Objetivo, 4) Consistencia Interna, 5) Consistencia Externa, 6) Indicadores, 7) Justificación de Financiamiento y; 8) Justificación del Programa. Las variables de control del estudio fueron edad, sexo, comuna, profesión, y antigüedad ejerciendo el programa. Respecto a los principales resultados se obtuvo que un 94% de los encuestados evaluó el Diseño del programa como Regular seguido por un 6% que lo calificó como Malo. Él Área mejor evaluada fue Consistencia Externa, con un 36% de profesionales que la calificó como Buena, mientras que las dimensiones que presentan mayor déficit fueron Fundamentación Diagnóstica, evaluada en un 24% como Mala y un 76% como regular, y el Área Población Objetivo, que se evaluó en un 30% como Mala y un 70% como Regular. En cuanto a la correlación de las variables de control, se obtuvo por medio de la prueba de T de Student que existe una relación significativa entre el Sexo del encuestado y su evaluación respecto del Diseño del programa Mujeres Jefas de Hogar, obteniendo un p-evalue de 0.04713.
The general objective of this study is to Evaluate the Design of the Women Heads of Household Program as a social program, from the perspective of the professionals who implement it in the Biobío region. It corresponds to a quantitative, descriptive and correlational type of research with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The study sample was non-probabilistic and was made up of 33 professionals executing the program. A self-administered questionnaire was used as an instrument in data collection. The main variables studied were Design of the Women Heads of Household Program (dependent variable), which was measured in the dimensions of 1) Relevance, 2) Diagnostic Foundation, 3) Target Population, 4) Internal Consistency, 5) External Consistency, 6 ) Indicators, 7) Financing Justification and; 8) Justification of the Program. The control variables of the study were age, sex, commune, profession, and length of service in the program. Regarding the main results, it was obtained that 94% of those surveyed evaluated the Program Design as Regular, followed by 6% who rated it as Bad. The best evaluated area was External Consistency, with 36% of professionals rating it as Good, while the dimensions that presented the greatest deficit were Diagnostic Foundation, evaluated by 24% as Bad and 76% as fair, and the Population Area. Objective, which was evaluated 30% as Poor and 70% as Fair. Regarding the correlation of the control variables, it was obtained through the Student T test that there is a significant relationship between the Sex of the respondent and their evaluation regarding the Design of the Women Heads of Household program, obtaining a p-evaluation of 0.04713.
The general objective of this study is to Evaluate the Design of the Women Heads of Household Program as a social program, from the perspective of the professionals who implement it in the Biobío region. It corresponds to a quantitative, descriptive and correlational type of research with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The study sample was non-probabilistic and was made up of 33 professionals executing the program. A self-administered questionnaire was used as an instrument in data collection. The main variables studied were Design of the Women Heads of Household Program (dependent variable), which was measured in the dimensions of 1) Relevance, 2) Diagnostic Foundation, 3) Target Population, 4) Internal Consistency, 5) External Consistency, 6 ) Indicators, 7) Financing Justification and; 8) Justification of the Program. The control variables of the study were age, sex, commune, profession, and length of service in the program. Regarding the main results, it was obtained that 94% of those surveyed evaluated the Program Design as Regular, followed by 6% who rated it as Bad. The best evaluated area was External Consistency, with 36% of professionals rating it as Good, while the dimensions that presented the greatest deficit were Diagnostic Foundation, evaluated by 24% as Bad and 76% as fair, and the Population Area. Objective, which was evaluated 30% as Poor and 70% as Fair. Regarding the correlation of the control variables, it was obtained through the Student T test that there is a significant relationship between the Sex of the respondent and their evaluation regarding the Design of the Women Heads of Household program, obtaining a p-evaluation of 0.04713.
Tesis presentada para optar al grado de Magíster en Trabajo Social y Políticas Sociales.