Estimación del stock de carbono en rodales precosecha de Pinus radiata D. Don en suelos de trumao de la Región de Ñuble y Biobío.
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Universidad de Concepción
El presente trabajo de investigación se enfocó en determinar la relación del gradiente de productividad con el stock carbono almacenado en la biomasa (aérea y subterránea), en el suelo mineral y en el piso forestal en plantaciones de Pinus radiata (D. Don) en edad de precosecha de cinco sitios con suelos de cenizas volcánicas recientes, ubicados en las Regiones de Ñuble y Biobío. Se emplearon funciones alométricas para estimar la biomasa y se tomaron muestras de suelo (hasta 100 cm de profundidad) y de piso forestal para análisis de carbono. Los resultados mostraron relaciones lineales significativas en el almacenamiento de carbono entre sitios, con una mayor cantidad en sitios de mayor productividad. El suelo mineral fue el componente más significativo en el almacenamiento de carbono con un valor de 285 Mg ha-1, seguido por la biomasa aérea con 137 Mg ha-1 y la biomasa subterránea (raíces) con 35 Mg ha-1. En menor proporción se encontró el piso forestal con 14 Mg ha-1. A niveles de stock total de carbono los sitios presentaron una media de 471 Mg ha-1. Estos resultados son útiles para reconocer que la productividad de las plantaciones de Pinus radiata tiene un impacto directo en su capacidad de almacenamiento de carbono, sugiriendo que la gestión forestal enfocada en aumentar la productividad puede ser una estrategia efectiva para mitigar el cambio climático.
This research aimed to explore the correlation between productivity gradients and carbon stock levels in Pinus radiata (D.Don) plantations at pre-harvest stages across five sites in the Ñuble and Biobío Regions, characterized by recent volcanic ash soils. Allometric functions were employed to estimate biomass, while soil samples (up to 100 cm depth) were collected for organic carbon and forest floor analyses. Results unveiled significant variations in carbon storage across sites, with higher productivity sites exhibiting greater carbon accumulation. Mineral soil emerged as the primary carbon reservoir, storing 285 Mg ha-1, followed by aboveground biomass at 137 Mg ha-1, belowground biomass at 35 Mg ha-1, and forest floor at 14 Mg ha-1. Collectively, the sites averaged a total carbon stock of 471 Mg ha-1.These findings underscore the direct influence of Pinus radiata plantation productivity on carbon storage capacity. They suggest that forest management strategies aimed at enhancing productivity could effectively mitigate climate change by bolstering carbon sequestration efforts.
This research aimed to explore the correlation between productivity gradients and carbon stock levels in Pinus radiata (D.Don) plantations at pre-harvest stages across five sites in the Ñuble and Biobío Regions, characterized by recent volcanic ash soils. Allometric functions were employed to estimate biomass, while soil samples (up to 100 cm depth) were collected for organic carbon and forest floor analyses. Results unveiled significant variations in carbon storage across sites, with higher productivity sites exhibiting greater carbon accumulation. Mineral soil emerged as the primary carbon reservoir, storing 285 Mg ha-1, followed by aboveground biomass at 137 Mg ha-1, belowground biomass at 35 Mg ha-1, and forest floor at 14 Mg ha-1. Collectively, the sites averaged a total carbon stock of 471 Mg ha-1.These findings underscore the direct influence of Pinus radiata plantation productivity on carbon storage capacity. They suggest that forest management strategies aimed at enhancing productivity could effectively mitigate climate change by bolstering carbon sequestration efforts.
Tesis presentada para optar al título de Ingeniero Forestal
Pino radiata, Suelos trumao, Biomasa